Chapter diez-ocho

Start from the beginning

"Get him on the bed. I'll get the doctor." Her welsh accent was making it hard. But I understood it. Just enough to get my poor baby on the bed.

He's lost weight. And lots of it. He must not be eating that hospital food. I moaned, realising I'd have to go buy him mcdonalds every day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. I bought the duvet over him, laying it across his body and laying it just under his neck line. Don't want him suffocating. It would be easier, if he was awake, though. My eyes were drooping I was so tired. It was only 10:36 as well. To be fair, we did have a late night. Or morning, should I say? Well I guess the best thing I can do now is wait. I need to be in good health when harry comes around.


If harry comes around.

Zayn's POV:

Those bastards. They'll be lucky enough if they can make it out alive. Bet you're wondering what I did. Well at the moment I'm pissed off, but also quite pleased with myself. You see that base, because it holds all of our important files and "artifacts", if the police or FBI (I know) came looking, we'd have away to get rid of it all. Guessed yet? No?


It is really stereo-typical. But it's life. Soon their's shall be taken.

"Muhahaha-" I spluttered off into a cough. Bloody fly's around this place. Their like our fans. Attracted, and annoying (no offence meant, just for the story).

I ran my hands through my pocket, searching for it. Ah! I pulled it out, unwrapped it and stuck it in my gob. Yummy! It's a lolly by the way, vanilla flavoured. Plain and yet so very tasty, just the way I like it. It occurred to me, that not many people enjoy the flavour. Vanilla. But it's like the icing on the cake. It's the mother of all ice-creams. Don't you think so? Well if not, suck on it.

Any who, bomb. I'd pressed the 'red' button. To set the timer off. Blow them all to hell. I just didn't want them messing with my Liam. He couldn't know. What background I was from. Some people see me as the deep mysterious guy, or the vein, good lucking player. Truth is I'm neither, I'm just your typical bradford bad boi. I live life on the edge. And do it all for fun. Always. My motto was more or less yolo. Because, it's true. I want to be free, to be able to be who ever I can be or who ever I am.

What really gets on my nerves, is when I do something great, they congratulate me. Which is yay, but when I do something, just a little bad, I get tons of hate. I'm a normal guy, with feelings. No it may not be the smartest, but you don't see other guys getting this amount of attention, fans or hate. Plus people say they know, they understand. Bull. Sorry guys, but you don't.

The reason I joined this gang, just after the X-factor, was because I was scared I'd be so wrapped up in the fame and stardom, I'd loose who I really am. These guys helped me understand. It only helped for a little while though, soon I was called in more often. Then one day I over heard flash talking to Olly at how I was only a puppet. And guess what? It hurt. Because I was being used. And I'm scared that, everyday people are just using me.

Now these guys have crossed a line with liam. It's curtains for them. I smirked. Getting in the car. Riley had supplied for me, which I was supposed to drop off near the house, not too near, but near enough.

7 minutes left.

I but my foot on the gas and high tailed on out of there. God it feels good to be free again. I turned on the radio. Karmin, broken hearted. As I was cruising down these country roads, at half eleven at night, whistling and occasionally screaming out lyrics, I came through a forest. I bent forward and eyed the sat nav.

Turn right next 100 yards.

100 yards later.

I turned and there was a car. Headlights and everything on. I read the registration plate. Holy shit balls! That's mine and Liam's car. I stopped. The car coming to an almighty halt. Almost making me going through the windscreen, thank the lord for whoever invented seat belts. I love you, hehe.

I wrenched open the door. Bursting out, not bothering to close the door. I stood near the bonnet of our car. Squinting out, scanning for movement in the darkness.



This is kind of worrying. Why have I not checked in the car? You dim wit.

3 minutes

I rushed over the side and cupped my hands to the glass. There was some sort of vague shape in there. So I banged on the window. The shape turned. And appeared to be looking at me.

2 minutes

It lifted itself up, using, what I thought were arms, for lever and balance. The head appeared. Sighed, letting out relief aa breath I hadn't realised I had been holding in. It was intact Liam. He looked pissed, and he was glaring at me. Shoot, what did I?

1 minute.

I left him. Oh dear.

"Zayn Jawaad Malik. How nice of you to join me." His voice was slightly muffled, the glass being so thick, but I could still understand what he said to me. He unlocked the car and climbed out. Standing still, and closing the door. Placing his hands on his hips. Cocking them to one side.

"You have some explaining to do."



Sorry it took so long to upload! School, first week back, it was hectic. So who watched the VMAs? It was epic! CX lol 1D were epic. :3 if anybody reading this, went then you are one lucky sod ;)

I don't know when I'll upload again. Could be a few days- a week. I'll try faster then that. But that's what you can expect.

Ima go now. Bya!!

E x x x

Tell Me The Meaning of Love - Ziam/ Nouis/ Larry - One Direction (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now