Chapter One: Fuck Your Chicken Strips

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This follows the Justice League Unlimited cartoon, but with some BoltandCas pizzazz. Now, it has some differences. For one, the main batboys are in it (Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian). And Superman's son, Jon. Plus Batgirl-okay, you get it. So, read and enjoy!


Clockwork stares at the thermos calculatively. He looks back at the multiple time screens, three had recently manifested. New outcomes arose. Each a gamble and risk. But only one would pay off. Clockwork knew the Observants would be on his back if he did this... but frankly, Clockwork didn't care.

Making up his mind, the time ghost grabs the thermos and releases the being inside. There's a long hiss as smoke fills Clockwork's lair and a cruel voice cackles. Clockwork smirks slightly. Even if he didn't have his humanity, Dan was still one for dramatics like Danny.

"You stupid old fool!" Dan sneers once the smoke clears. Clockwork's smirk only grows as he stares at Dan head on. He shifts from infant to man and waves his time staff and watches as a bright blue energy surrounds Dan. "Wha-? What are you doing to me!?" Dan demands as he feels a change go through his molecules. Something was different than before. Off.

"Simply restoring your humanity." Clockwork replies, earning a shocked expression from Dan. However, the shock quickly melts away to rage as the beast of a ghost bares his sharp fangs and growls at Clockwork. "If only slightly. It'll make your task much easier." Clockwork adds as if his second demise isn't being plotted by Dan.

"Task? What task? And what humanity? You better start making sense old man." Dan growls irritatedly. Clockwork sighs with a shake of his head, once again changing age as he becomes an elderly ghost.

"You've committed at least two thousand evil acts. To compensate for this, you must do at least two thousand heroics." Clockwork explains calmly and smooths out his dark purple cloak. Dan stares at the time overseer before abruptly bursting out into hysterical laughter. "You exist out of time, I could simply do as the Observants asked and erase you from existence." Clockwork comments flippantly and effectively silences Dan's laughter.

"So, what, this is some kind of community service?" Dan asks. His voice is terse. While he didn't want to do what Clockwork wants him to, he also didn't want to be erased. Besides, this way he could trick Clockwork into letting him go so he can collect his strength before finishing what he started.

"Not exactly. I will send you some place where you cannot harm your younger self or ensure your future." Clockwork silences Dan by shoving his staff into Dan's chest with a stern glare. "You will also find it hard to harm others there as well. And if you kill someone? I'll have you erased before you can say "going ghost"." Clockwork growls warningly, his red gaze burning brighter and becoming even more intimidating as he shifts into a man once more. Dan eyes him warily. If what Clockwork said is true, there wasn't much of a choice now was there?

"Alright. I accept." Dan hesitantly concedes through gritted teeth. Clockwork keeps his time staff on Dan for a moment longer before removing it. He waves it in the air and a deep indigo portal opens up behind Dan.

"Good luck." Clockwork calls just before using the bottom of the staff to push Dan through with a sharp jab. Dan, not expecting that, tumbles backwards into the portal which immediately closes after he's through.

"What have you done!?" The Observants roar as they burst into Clockwork's lair. Clockwork rolls his red eyes as he shifts into an old man.

"Here we go..." He sighs under his breath.


Dan flops onto concrete as the portal closes above him. Dan immediately picks himself up with a string of curses escaping his lips.

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