Chapter 4: "Change"

Start from the beginning

She held a bag full of desserts, and waved at the bakery employees.

"See you later!"
"Did you have to buy that much?"

"Yes! I have meetings all day. I need to keep my energy up."

The two left the area, just as Rex turned around, and grabbed the door. He finally stepped inside, and examined the surroundings.

It was a small and cute building decorated with pink and white tile. Plants and hanging star shaped lights added to the already cozy atmosphere.

"Hey!" The Baker came up to the cash register, "You're a new face. What brings you to Stardust?"

"I need a place to take my mind off things. The city is too loud. Plus, I don't have any food at home yet."

"Understandable. I have a selection of pastries here. We also serve coffee in the mornings."

Rex stepped up to the counter, "Coffee would be great. Thanks."

He eyed the pastries, and looked over them. There were so many to choose from, and he had nearly forgotten how they tasted.

"What's your name, Sir?" The Baker asked, pouring a cup of coffee.

"Uh, I'm Rex."

"Donovan Radcliff. You seem down. Something wrong?"

"A lot of things. This place is a really big change for me. Is it wrong to almost...miss the life I had?"

"I don't think so. But change is a part of life. Things are always changing, and things might not go as planned. My wife passed away last year."

Rex frowned, "Sorry."

"It's just me and my little girl now, but the only thing we can do is move forward. Pain can sometimes make you stronger, and you have to use that strength to make a good life for yourself. Otherwise you feel stuck."

"Stuck? Like being kragled?"

Donovan smiled, "Something like that. If you stay in that sorrow, then you let the Kragle win. Don't let that happen."

The Raptor Trainer took the stranger's words to heart. He assumed that there had to be some truth to them.

The Baker handed the finished coffee to him, snapping him out of his thoughts. He immediately got back to the task at hand.

"Oh, thanks. Uh, I'll take a chocolate croissant too."

"Got it! It's free today. The Princess paid for the next ten people."

"Oh, that's nice of her."

"Isn't it? We're truly lucky to have her."


After his morning walk, Rex returned to Rexcelsior.

He had a chance to see more of Syspocalypstar, and settle in. For a moment, he could take his mind off his mission, but it was time for him to return to his work.

He sat at his desk, staring silently at the monitors. He sipped the last of his coffee, thinking about what he would do if Caylus should appear again.

The Raptor Trainer sighed, and leaned back in his chair, as he placed the empty cup down. He picked up his phone, and checked the time.

He wasn't aware of how long he had been sitting there, but he didn't want to rest until he found any trace of his enemy.

"Maybe I should call Emmet and apologize? Or will that be bothering him? I don't know. I just...wish I did a better job?" Rex paused, "No matter what Caylus says, I won't help him, and I've decided on that."

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