Blood and passion

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Hollowed eyes wandered aimlessly over the cascade of gentle flames that made hells sunset, the duality of terror and beauty ever present in dwindling flames. Just behind the blazes last remaining embers illusory stars began to show their gentle colors, the small handful of glistening white slowly spreading as crimson gave way to various shades of deep purple, blue, and grey. Despite the heat of the inferno an unusual coldness made itself manifest on remnants of bare skin. Ice slowly raked itself down the spine, a familiar sensation that immediately let me know that silent isolation was about to be shattered with static. A scoff couldn't help but escape from lips. There were no footsteps, the only indicator of such a presence manifesting with a figure of scarlet as he moved besides me. Such appearances at first startled, then drew alarm, then fell to worry, and finally repetition let nothing but amusement form. "It's out of character for you to wander here by your lonesome" he remarked. There was a moment of silence, the mind pondering on if it would be best to speak aloud or to just leave things be. "I just needed some time to think" I replied. "Come now, you couldn't possibly be considering anything other than eternal damnation. I'd have thought one as sharp and observant as you wouldn't fall for the impossible dreams and ideologies of sheltered child" he chimed. I could not help but chuckled as I shook my head. "Absolutely not" I replied. "Frankly I'm insulted that you  insinuated such a thing" I joked. There was a moment of silence as I pondered if it would be wise to say what it was that was on my mind, saying nothing would do nothing and a lies were not possible with one such as him. A small sigh finally worked its way past lips, in the end it wouldn't truly matter, drawn out suffering vs instant misery. Though some semblance of self preservation begged for silence the desire to rip the bandage off reigned supreme. "A dark curiosity is plaguing me, I though fresh air would clear such thoughts but it seems I was wrong" I muttered. Eyes took once last glance at the skies fading light, the only remnants of crimson locked within the glowing moon and the soul wells. Slowly I turned away from the fading light and towards the door. "I know that the others will not be back till the morrow but if we're going to talk, i'd rather do so behind closed doors." He didn't say a word, the only indicator that he was even following was the shadow looming near mine. There was only silence between us, not even the faintest creek of the old hinges or pats of leather against carpet followed us along the walls. The only noise came from within, a single heartbeat matching footsteps as we moved down the darkened halls. The silence was worrying but if it was to end in heartbreak then at least the mind would be free of uncertainty's constant and relentless assault. So long as an answer was given, I'd accept whatever came next. Breath could not help but trap itself within lungs as we approached my temporary room. The moment that the door was opened I stepped inside and held it for him, welcoming him into my temporary den before I stuck on the do not disturb tag. "Do make yourself comfortable." Silence no longer followed movements as he walked over towards the desk, footsteps and the faint creek of the older chair helping to leave full silence out in the hallways. "Well then my dear, what is it that is on your mind?" His playful tone gave the impression that he wasn't planning on it to be anything serious. Despite the little voice in my head desperately whispering for me to bite my tongue off I could not help but speak. "How long have we known one another?" I questioned. "Hmm... Hard to say. I'd wager... 3... perhaps closer to 4 years" he replied. "Why is it that you ask?" he questioned. "Well... we have been working with one another for a while now and I need to know, what am I to you?" I asked. His smile seemed to soften as I continued "You've always shown more patience, given more praises, given more time, and seem to enjoy my presence just as I enjoy yours... But I notice that there is always more going on behind the screen with you. I need to know. Am I just a tool for whatever plot you have? A means to an end? Is that all I am to you or were those acts of kindness something more?" I asked. His golden smile seemed to quickly widen but such a grin could mean a number of things. Blood turned to ice as he stood up and took a step towards my resting place, a low chuckle leaving him as he drew closer. "My dear, I must say I'm rather disappointed in you. I thought you were far more clever than this. You really shouldn't be thinking of such things." The darker purr in his voice set off every red flag in the book as he leaned over me, his shadow coating me in an unnatural darkness. "Did I upset him?" thoughts questioned. Sorrow and panic washed over my head as a claw pressed itself against the underside of my chin and forced my head to tilt upwards. Narrow eyes and a more than amused smile brought a sense of danger but even a fractured soul knew that there was no fleeing, fighting, or resisting someone like him. "I didn't plan on doing this but knowing you words alone would never be enough to get my point across" 

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