Ch. 19: Day 113

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POV: Sans

It's odd, I will admit.

Y/N has been blacking out to visit Frisk more often, even going far as scheduling their next meetings together. Like they're old besties.

She talks about them often—fondly, too.

I guess she's getting quite used to the kid.

I appreciate them getting along. But it kinda feels a little...lonely.

Y/N doesn't share their discussions with me. Maybe she shares a joke she says she picked up from them, but usually it's zipped lips with her.

It's...kind of bothersome, to be honest.

I feel like she's drifting from me.

Of course, every time I even sound like I'm thinking that, she's quick to prove me wrong and assure me that that is not what is happening.

But there's something else I worry about.

Sometimes, Y/N mentions how Frisk can sometimes get...angry with her. How they sometimes goes off.

She always laughs it off, saying that Frisk is quick to get over their anger and almost always immediately apologizes for it.


I can always detect a hint of fear in her voice when she talks about Frisk's rages.

And I can't help but feel scared, too.

POV: Y/N, Void

Frisk and I were laughing together over a joke they shared with me, and something suddenly occurred to me out of the blue. I decided to mention it, for stupid reasons I'm not so sure of myself.

"You know, Frisk..." I trailed off, staring at them with something close to curiosity. "I sometimes wonder about you."

They jumped, then turned their head slightly away.

*You ask Y/N what she means.

"Oh, it's probably not what you think! I didn't mean to be rude, sorry. But I'm simply...wondering how you're still alive."

They stiffened.

*...You ask Y/N why she thinks that.

"Oh, it's just that...I got the idea that she kicked Sans to the death screen, he escaped, he went back and destroyed her reset button, then killed her. But...I suppose I wonder how you're still here."

*You offer that your soul might have escaped HER grasp when she died, letting yourself free.

I nodded slowly. "That makes sense, I suppose. But...why did you come here? Why not go with Sans?"

*You explain that it took a while for you to wake up. There was nothing left of the reset screen, not even the buttercups or the continue button. It was all just...gone.

I frowned. "...Continue button?"

*You try to explain that while the reset power—coming from excess DETERMINATION of a soul of the same kind—can trigger a rewind to the last saved point, the continue power allows a DETERMINED character to persist after death, making the choice to stay alive and return to the last saved point, but without bending the laws of time.

I dipped my head. "Oh."

Save points. I had seen them. The stars. All those times...with the choice to continue. No choice of reset, but the ability to continue...

*You ask why Y/N asked about it.

"Oh!" I laughed dismissively, looking back up. "Pure curiosity, I suppose."

Frisk considered for a second, before seeming to stare directly into my eyes—or, at least, that's where I thought they were looking.

*You ask whether curiosity is her soul trait.

I stared at them a second, honestly quite confused and slightly annoyed.

"Uhm...I don't know, Frisk. I thought we already talked about this?"

*You ask if she's looked at her soul at all.

"No, I don't—"

*You ask if she knows the color of her own soul.

"Actually, no, but—"

*You ask why not.

"I don't know how!" I nearly yelled, quite exasperated at this new behavior of Frisk's.

*You irritatedly tell her that you can see your own soul in battle.

"I..." My breath hitched as I relived that memory. When Sans tried to kill me. "...I've been in one of those before."

*With Sans, of course. You ask how she didn't see her soul then.

"Well, I'm sorry for focusing on my own life!" I snapped in a clipped tone. "And how do you know anyway? Oh, right, you're a stalker! You've been watching my every move creepy-like! What is wrong with you? You're just an insane glitch."

Frisk seemed to freeze, and my guilt immediately crashed in on me.

I gasped, placing my hands over my mouth. "Oh my gosh, Frisk, I'm sorry! The words just spilled out, I didn't mean them, I swear!"


I fell to my knees, breath catching as I tried to repress the guilty sobs in my throat. I was level with the little human.

"I wish I could take it back," I choked.

They looked down.

*But you can't, can you?

I looked down too, tears forcing themselves to the brims of my lids. "No," I whispered.

Frisk turned away, their back to me.

*You tell Y/N that she crossed the line.

"I know..." I nearly sobbed in anger, sadness, and frustration with myself.

*You tell her...

Frisk twisted only their head, looking straight back at me. I blinked, and I swore, for a moment, that I could see the anger gleaming behind their glitches.

* not come back.

They snapped their fingers.

And I was back in the Underground.

(A treat. Because I love you guys.

Shorter note, I know. But what else is there to say?

You guys are too awesome for words. I hope I let you guys know enough.

Lunar, signing off.)

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