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"Even though you played me yesterday

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"Even though you played me yesterday..all I want is you.." Malik said gradually getting closer to me, then giving me a romantic kiss on the lips.

"And all I want is you..too." I said looking him in the eyes.

He grabbed his phone and checked the time, it read 12:06 AM.

"Shit, I better get going it's late as fuck and I got a show tomorrow." He said grabbing his shit heading to the door.

"Damn it doesn't even feel like you've been here for long." I frowned.

"I know I know baby but i'll try to see you tomorrow after my show or sometime this week." He said.

"Alright." I answered.

"Now where's my kiss?" He said smiling, his smile is so cute.

I kissed him goodbye, and he kissed me back. He hugged me and lastly he squeezed my ass.

"Love you." he said.

"Love you too.." I said and soon after he closed the door and hopped in his Benz.

I watched him drive away from my blinds. I'm gonna miss him even tho i'm gonna see him tomorrow.

I walked up to my room and fell on my bed, I grabbed my charger and plugged it in my phone.

To reduce my boredom I scrolled through Instagram, I seen a picture of Malik on Instagram and I instantly liked it.

My baby is so fine.

My stomach started growling and I wanted something to eat, something told me to walk to get my food.

I slipped on some shoes and a jacket, I grabbed my phone and walked outside.

Barely any street lights were on and it was dark as fuck outside considering it was 12 in the morning.

I walked to this restaurant that's open 24/7, and it's near Malik's house.

Minutes passed by and I was almost there, until I heard yelling in a alley. It caught my attention and I watched two guys in all black grabbing a tall figure aggressively.

It looked like someone familiar.

Is that Malik?

"London!" The figure shouted, at first I was confused but a light bulb turned on in my head. It's Malik!

I ran over to him and tried to take them off of Malik.

"Get off of him!" I yelled.

"Bitch shut the fuck up." One of them said and punched me in the face.

My vision started getting a little blurry, but I didn't want to give up. I gradually got back up and started pushing and punching one of them off of him.

"Bitch get off of him or you'll get smoked..I'm warning you right now." The other guy said pulling out a glock.

My body froze and I just looked at the gun.

"Dont do nothing to her you bitch ass niggas!" Malik yelled.

"You shut the fuck up!" The guy said slapping Malik with the gun hard.

Tears started forming in my eyes when I seen him do that to Malik.

He finally put the gun back in his pocket and I didn't do anything but stand there. I wanted to do something to him without him catching me.

They continued to beat up Malik so I finally went behind one of them and stabbed him in the back.

He dropped to the ground and blood streamed out his body.

"That's it for you!" The other guy said releasing Malik from his hands.

He ran over to his friend and tried to pull out the glock but I punched him as hard as I could but it didn't do much.

He grabbed the gun and tried to aim it at me but I quickly stabbed him.

I started breathing heavily and shaking, I couldn't believe I just killed two people over Malik.

I dropped the knife and ran over to Malik, I went on top of him and checked his pulse.

His pulse was beating but slowly, there was some hope in him.

I started crying especially when I seen him bleeding but I had to think fast. I dialed 911 and told them everything.

I buried my face in his chest crying, waiting for the police.


They placed Malik in a stretcher bringing him to the ambulance car.

"Can I please go with him?!" I followed them.

"Not right now, we will let you know when to come." the man said.

"Please!!" I raised my voice.

They didn't answer me and closed the ambulance doors once they packed Malik in there.

They drove off and I stood there in the middle of street with tears running down my cheeks.


I woke up and gasped, I looked around my room and realized it was a dream. My dream never felt this real before.

I instantly grabbed my phone and facetimed Malik.

"Wassuh.." He said in a raspy voice.

"You won't believe what I just dreamed about!" I exclaimed.

"W-what?" He wondered.

"That you got jumped by these guys and one of them tried to shoot you but I stabbed them and the ambulance wouldn't let me be with you, it was crazy." I said.

"Wow that is crazy as fuck, I hope that shit doesn't happen in real life." He answered.

"Yeah I hope not.." I sighed.

"Anyways, I gotta see you today what's the moves?" I asked.

"Well first of all I still need my dick sucked and to fuck you." He smirked on the camera.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"When can I give you this dick baby?" He questioned.

"Never." I laughed.

"Man stop playin' once you get this dick you ain't never gonna stop fucking with me." He licked his lips.

"Yeah aight." I said sounding like him.

"Quit stealing my words." He smiled.


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