An Invitation

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It had been exactly two months since the revolution had ended, and there were 3 inches of snow outside of Hank's house, more to come in a few hours.
Connor still had some learning to do when it came to his deviation, and while Hank had left his home open to him, the android spent more time walking outside with Sumo than anything. Even though Markus was certainly busy negotiating with the humans and handling all the new deviants, he still insisted on checking up on Connor and speaking to Hank weekly.
It was around the time he normally came and Connor was absently staring out the window when Hank sat down in front of the TV.
"Missing your boyfriend Connor?"
It seemed to be in jest, but the android's LED quickly shifted yellow and he looked down meekly. Hank's eyes widened a little and he glanced over at him.
"Wait is he really your boyfriend? When'd this happen?"
"Well we're both male, and I believe we're friends, so that would make him my boyfriend, correct?"
The man made a face and seemed to be trying to find the right thing to say.
"Connor, that's not- uh. Wait, by that logic I'm your boyfriend too!"
"Is that an issue?"
"A boyfriend is a guy you wanna fuck, Connor!"

There was a moment of silent processing before his LED blinked red for a moment.
"Oh. I see the issue with boyfriends now."
"Geez kid... woulda thought deviating would make you a bit more knowledgeable about this stuff."
"Apologies, Hank."
"I've never really seen you interested in anyone before though Connor. Do you even know what it means to have romantic interest?"
The android seemed to be in thought for a bit as he closed his eyes.
"I'm not sure Hank."
His LED transferred back to the electric blue it normally was as the man ran a hand through his hair, frowning slightly.
"Alright son, let's put this conversation off for another day alright? Can't believe your programming doesn't have that kind of thing already explained."
"Son? Am I your son, Hank?"
"Well- I mean- I guess."
"Should I call you dad then?"
"I guess... if you want."

Connor smiled lightly while Hank rolled his eyes and sighed, both looking up when someone knocked on the door. Sumo's head shot up and he wagged his tail eagerly, barking a few times.
"Hush up ya big lug! Connor that's probably Markus, could you get the door?"
"Of course lieutenant."
Connor went over to open the door and his eyes widened a little at the other android standing before him.
No matter how many times he saw him, Connor was always a little surprised by just how gracefully the man carried himself. His coat was wrapped loosely around his shoulders, and his eyes seemed to brighten a little when he smiled at Connor.
"It's good to see you again."
"Right... you too, Markus."
The darker android gave him a quick once over before smiling again; Connor's LED had become yellow without him noticing.
"Have you been keeping up with everything? Maintenance, and such? It'd be awful for you to suddenly fall ill."
"I, um... well-"
"Are you done being awkward kid? How about letting him in?" Hank called from inside, and Connor's LED slowly slipped back to blue as he let out a such of relief.
"I'll get right on it dad."

Back to yellow it went as he blushed a dark blue.
"Yes... dad."
Markus watched him fluster and laughed gently.
"Well I'm glad I'm not the only android with a human father then."
Connor gave an awkward smile before letting Markus inside, the Saint Bernard quickly bounding over to see him.
"Hey there Sumo... have you been holding down the fort?"
The dog barked eagerly as Connor shut the door and looked over at the only human in the house.
"It seems Sumo missed you, Markus."
"Nah, he just likes the attention."
"Well regardless of Sumo's intentions, I'm here for a reason besides an update."
Both android and human looked over curiously at the leader, who's gaze had moved to Connor.
"Connor, I'd like to invite you to join me as a representative at the civil conference in two weeks: you offer a very unique perspective as a former deviant hunter, and I'm well aware of the fact that a good number of the humans on the committee are skeptical. Your presence there, along with your experience on both sides has a strong potential to change minds."

The newer deviant's LED had just started to return to blue before Markus spoke, and by the time he'd finished it has blinked red for a few seconds before settling on bright yellow once again. It seemed it would be remaining that color for as long as Markus was around.
"Are you sure you'd need me, specifically? I'm sure there are other former hunters-"
"Ignore him, he's got anxiety. He'd love to go, Markus."
"Please don't speak for me, Hank..."
"Oh, come on! You're always outside but you're never around people, it could be fun. 'Sides, you wanna help Markus right? This is probably the best help you can give him."
He quietly looked back over at the other RK model, who smiled encouragingly at him. It took a moment, but his LED returned to blue as he gave a shaky smile.
"I suppose I could come, then."
"Thank you, Connor. I really appreciate it."
"Alright, anything else you need to say Markus? Or should we pick up where we left off last time?"
"Oh.. I'm sorry, but I'll have to pass this time: I'm pretty busy today."
"Ah... I see."
"What, did you actually wanna join in this time Connor?"
"Do you even know how to play cards?"
"... I do not, lieutenant."
"Well then why don't I teach you next week? Then we can all play."
Markus smiled at him again; it was a nice expression for him.

"I'd enjoy that, Markus."
"Then it's a date. I'll see the both of you next week, usual time?"
"As always."
"Alright. Thanks for agreeing to help, Connor; bye Sumo."
With that the older android gave one more gentle smile before heading through the front door as the RK800 watched wordlessly.
He'd been about to turn back to face Hank, but was interrupted by a mission flashing across his gaze: Speak to Markus.
Speak to Markus? Why? About what? If he needed to say something why did he wait? That seemed wrong.
"Are you gonna stand there gaping all day Connor-"
"I'll be back in a moment, lieutenant."
With that he walked swiftly out of the house, moving with intense purpose until he caught up to Markus.
"Connor? Was there something you needed?"
Now that the mission had disappeared he was left standing there confused. Why did he feel the need to catch up to him? What did he want to say? Fortunately, the words came to him without thinking;
"I just wanted to say good luck. I assume you're going off to complete your more important duties as the leader of Jericho, so good luck."
That was strange. He'd never told some 'good luck' before in his life. Markus however, seemed amused as he flashed another charming smile.

"Well, thank you Connor. But you could've told me before I left, right? I'm sure Hank's confused about why you ran after me."
Connor's LED flickered yellow before quickly returning to blue as he smiled back.
"Well I'll be sure to explain to him what happened, then."
"Alright. But seriously, just tell me before I leave next time, okay Connor?"
"I'll do my best, Markus."
The leader laughed as he pat Connor's shoulder a few times before turning to continue walking off. The younger RK model watched him until he was a dark speck against the snow before finally heading back inside to a confused Hank and oblivious Sumo.
"So why exactly did you run off like that son?" The man asked as he started brushing off the snow that had collected on Connor while he was outside.
"I wanted to tell him good luck."
"Anything else?"
"Not really. I honestly don't know why I did it in the first place honestly."
"Geez.... You're such a weird kid Connor."
"Apologies lieutenant."

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