Chapter Twelve

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„Take a deep breath babe, it's gonna be okay" Karlie whispered and squeezed Taylor's hand. She placed a light kiss on her cheek.

Taylor inhaled and exhaled. She looked at Karlie. "I know. I'm just nervous."

"You'll do great!" Selena came over and gave Taylor a hug.

"I know." Taylor bit her lip.

"I'm gonna go downstairs now to meet everyone."

Taylor, Karlie and Selena were upstairs in Taylor's Rhode Island home. Downstairs, her living room was full of excited fans. She was about to meet them, play songs for them and come out. Right now, however, she preferred hiding under a blanket and never talking to anyone ever again. Except maybe for Karlie.

She sighed. She had planned on doing this, and she was going to do it. It was what she wanted. It was what she had wanted to do for years. Now was the time. She had never felt this nervous in her whole life. No amount of sold-out stadiums had prepared her for this moment.

Karlie hugged her tightly and placed another kiss on her cheek, careful not to ruin the singer's make-up.

"You'll do great. I believe in you. I love you."

"I love you, too."

Selena watched them, doing her best not to tear up. She cleared her throat.

"So, Karlie and I will go downstairs first through the kitchen and join everyone in the living room. I hope your fans will recognize me, Taylor" she said drily.

Taylor laughed. "Shut up."

"Your mum texted me that everyone is having snacks and talking and they're all ready for you to come out, both literally and figuratively" Karlie looked at her phone and grinned.

"Shut up" Taylor reiterated and rolled her eyes. She was too nervous to show it, but she appreciated the way her friend and girlfriend tried to calm her nerves.

"Okay, we'll go downstairs now, see you in five" Selena announced and started walking towards the door, Karlie following her.

Taylor stayed back and took a deep breath. She could hear people cheering downstairs, letting her know that Selena had joined them. She wondered how many of her fans would recognize Karlie. They had always done their best to keep a low profile, but over the years the one or other paparazzi photo had gotten released, or fans had mentioned seeing Karlie with Taylor.

Her phone lit up with a text from her mum. Ready? You can come down anytime now. She took another deep breath. So many people she knew were downstairs, and then so many people she had never met before. She had selected her fans very carefully – ones she knew would be supportive, or ones she knew were part of the LGBT community.

She took a last look into the mirror. Then, she walked out of the room with a determined swing in her step. Walking down the stairs she realized that tonight would not only make a huge impact in her own life, but that of her LGBT fans as well. It gave her the last push of confidence she needed before she walked into the living room.

The first thing she heard was the room erupting in cheers and claps. The first thing she saw was Karlie sitting on the couch, looking at her with a wide grin on her face. She hadn't meant to look at her, but it made her feel warm and encouraged. Then her gaze wandered over the people sitting on the couches and on pillows on the floor. She recognized every single face despite not having met most of them yet.

She smiled and waved. "Hey guys, I'm Taylor. Thank you for coming over!"

Andrea walked back in as well and gave Taylor a hug. Taylor sat down and waited for everyone to calm down. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Tree, Austin and her dad walking out of the kitchen and sitting down at the other end of the room.

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