Chapter Two

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"I want to come out."

Karlie tilted her head a little to the side, staring intently at her girlfriend.

"To whom?"

Taylor swallowed.

"The public."

Karlie's eyes went wide.


She shifted her weight again, but didn't dare look away from Taylor, whose eyes seemed to be begging her to say more.

"Are you sure?"

She instantly regretted the question.

Taylor tilted her head back and let out a deep sigh.

"Yes, Karlie. That's why I'm telling you this. I know we haven't talked about it in a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about it. I-"

She needed a second to breathe in, and Karlie took the opportunity to halt the rant that was in the making.

"I'm sorry, Tay. I didn't mean it like that. I'm just surprised."

She looked at Taylor.

"I will support you no matter what" she added softly, wanting to dissolve the tension.

She reached out her hand over the table, and Taylor took it.

"I know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get angry. It's just that this has been in my head all morning and I wanted to tell you now in person ..." she trailed off.

"I understand" Karlie replied and squeezed Taylor's hand. So they had both had things on their minds that morning that they hadn't talked about right away.

"So, do you have a specific plan in mind?"

Taylor grinned. "Yes, actually."

Stupid question, Karlie thought. Of course she does. What part of Taylor's career and public image isn't carefully planned.

"Well, you know my contract with my label runs out anyways, so I won't have that problem anymore a year from now. But when this album comes out, I already want to become a bit bolder, giving more hints and stuff" Taylor explained with a mischievous grin.

"Like what?"

"Oh, you know, lots of rainbows and stuff."

Karlie raised an eyebrow, but couldn't help grinning, too.

"Besides, the lyrics kinda speak for themselves" Taylor added.

Karlie blushed. She knew that this would be an album all about her. And yet, she hadn't heard any of the songs yet.

"I would like to confirm that" she said playfully, "but someone is holding back the songs from me. Do I get to hear them soon or do I need to buy the album for myself?"

Taylor stuck out her tongue. "Just wait."

"I hate waiting" Karlie whined. "At least tell me what the songs are about?"

"You, obviously."

"Yeah, and more specifically?"

"Oh my god, Karlie, just wait until I show them to you!" Taylor laughed.

"I'm nervous about this, too, you know. And it only comes out it a month. Plenty of time" she added.

"At least tell me the title?" Karlie begged.



"That's the title. Reputation."

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