Chapter 1: Hogwarts Express

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Your P.O.V.

Finally, you are here. You have been preparing for this all your life.

You were born in United States, in New York. Your father and mother are Americans, but when you were just one year old your family moved to London so you could attend Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You could have attended Ilvermorny, but your parents wanted you to study here, in Britain. It is great here and you were thankful that you were raised in England. Somehow you were talking with British accent while your parents had American. You were glad about it, because British accent is just beautiful to you.

You and your family were so happy when you received a letter from Hogwarts, that on the exactly same day you went to Diagon Alley to get everything you needed for school.

Both of your parents are wizards. Your mother is a doctor, an osteopath. A pretty famous one actually. She helps both wizards and muggles. And your father works with papers at the Ministry. Both of them attended Ilvermorny when they were younger.

And so, finally, here you were. Watching as kids and their parents walked through a brick wall that leads to the platform 9 3/4. Your father helped you with your kart and holding your mother's hand, making sure that no muggles are watching, you entered the platform. That was when you saw a beautiful train. It was so long that you couldn't see the end of it, probably because you were too short. Looking around you saw only a few families. You were early. And you were glad about it. It meant that you could choose yourself a cabin and hopefully no one will sit with you.

There was only one problem. You were very unsocial. You didn't have any friends, stuttered all the time while talking with other people except your parents, were very awkward, always raised your head just enough to peek at the world from under your hair, had trouble with keeping eye contact and annoyed people in general. But that didn't change the fact that you wanted to go to Hogwarts. You were looking forward especially for one particular subject. Care for Magical Creatures. It made you sad when you found out that it stared only in the third year.

You were fascinated by Magical Creatures. You wanted to know everything about them. Of course you knew some of them, like Nifflers and Bowtruckles. But it was just a tiny part of an entire world you were so desperate to know about. Your parents supported you, and that is way for your birthday they gave you a book about animals. Those that are known in the muggle world, saying that you needed to learn about animals and they behaviour before studying magical creatures. They were right. Animals are not as complicated as creatures. Of course they are fascinating as well.

Your father crouched down to meet your eye level.

"So, today is the day." He said faintly smiling.

His American accent ringing in your ears.

"Yes!" You said with your soft British one.

"We will write to you every week to keep you updated." Your mother said and hugged you tightly.

"Of course!"

"Remember to study."

"I will."

"Good." Your father said.

With the corner of your eye you noticed more families coming to the platform. You needed to hurry.

"Mum, dad, I love you! I need to get going!" You said hurriedly.

"Wait!" Your mother said and grabbed your shoulders hugging you.

"Don't forget this." Your father said handing you your bag that you'll take into the train.

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