Chapter 2

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Footsteps were heard as people rounded a corner of a hallway surrounding something small. It was an 8 year old, brown, male, mobian hedgehog with quills pointing downwards. It's eyes were also brown but were covered due to a blindfold. In his mouth was a metal bit with reins that one human was holding in his hands. On either side of the human was four more, two that stood beside him and two beside the mobian. Each holding a rope that went around the hedgehog's neck. The hedgehog had his wrists and ankles in shackles. A metal chain went around his waist pulling him forward by another human leading the way. He wore white gloves with a sock-like cuff on them. The shoes he wore were red with a white strap and gold buckle. The group stepped through a set of doors were two more people were waiting.

"Hurry up and take your picture." The first person said and the other snapped a shot and left. The bit was removed and he moved his mouth to make some feeling come back to it.

"So Weapon, you thought you could escape now could you?" the person walked closer to the mobian who didn't make a peep. "Speak."

"No... Sir." he muttered

"Well you did try but failed. We know how much you want to destroy the project but until you listen to us and do what we tell you, that is just going to have to wait." He crouched in front of the animal and took the blindfold off. He blinked a few times but then cold hard eyes rested on the human.

"I want you to think about what you did today in your cage." the mobian growled and the human smacked him across the face "Be nice. After that more training and then you'll come see me later." the human stood up from his spot and looked down "Speak."

"Yes... Master." the mobian's ears were flattened against his skull as the blindfold and bit were placed back on him.

"Take him away." the mobian was lead down the halls of the facility until the group came to one room that had nothing in it except for a cage that looked more like a carrier. His restraints were taken off and was pushed inside. The mobian curled up like a dog would and watched the humans leave the room. The lights were turned off and brown eyes gleamed through the inky black darkness of his holding cell. The mobian didn't need sleep, so he thought of his escape route. 'One day. One day all humans shall perish and I will kill that life-form.'


"That was the mistake of 1991. A weapon was created to detain the project but escaped. Many people were killed at the hands of this animal and a search for The Weapon was issued. It was not found anywhere. Dr. Gerald Robotnik's grandson, Ivo Robotnik went missing that day as well. Some say that Robotnik helped The Weapon escape, others say he was kidnapped. A rumor is going around that he left on his own free will. The search was called off for the two but a reward of $1,000,000 is still active to the lucky finder or finders. But beware, The Weapon wants nothing more then to tear you apart."

"Wow, how could they create such a thing." Knuckles said as Tails finished reading the newspaper out loud.

"People do the craziest things." Rouge looked at the picture again "Shadow, weren't you in the tube still?"

"I was, that was until the doctor let me out." even he was intrigued at the little fox's findings

"How did you find this Tails?" Amy asked

"It was blowing around and hit me in the face but this *points at picture* is what I wanted to show you. Doesn't it look like Sonic?" They looked back at the picture "Those shoes are the same ones Sonic wears, that can't be a coincidence."

"But Sonic saves everyone that can't be him." Amy stood from the table they were sitting around in Station Square.

"Speak of the devil." Sonic came running up to the table and Tails put the newspaper behind his back. Everyone stood from the table they were sitting


"Hey guys, what's up?" Sonic came to a stop in front of Tails

"Nothing." he shuffled his feet a bit and Sonic saw the paper

"Tails, are you hiding something from me?" he put his hands on his hips

"No, I'm not hiding anything."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"Alright, but then how do you explain this." he pulled the paper away from him. Tails was trying to grab it back and Sonic raised it above his head to keep it away from him.


"Just give it back."

"Why should I? What were you trying to hide from me?"

"It's nothing alright, just give it back." Sonic looked at the paper.

"What is this?" he pointed to the picture

"I don't know but if you answer some of my questions, then I might be able to tell you." Sonic looked over at Tails skeptical then crossed his arms over his chest tapping his foot impatiently

"Ask away."

"You told me once that you didn't remember the first eight years of your life, right?" he nodded "What about your shoes, how did you get those?"

"My parents gave them to me. I think... What is the purpose of all this anyway?"

"I think that is you in the picture." Sonic looked at him confused

"What are you talking about? That isn't me."

"Think about it, you don't have the past 8 years of your life."

"That can't be me Tails, I was born not created."

"You can tell me, I'm a freak as well."

"Oh, so now your calling me a freak." Sonic made his hands into fists

"What? No! I wouldn't..."

"Tails." he shook his head

"I-I didn't mean to It-t's just..."

"Tails, SHUT UP!" Sonic's yell echoed throughout the entire square making everyone stop and look over at them. Tails looked up at Sonic scared at what he might do. Sonic brought his hand to cover his eyes while looking down.

"Sonic, I'm sorry."

"Save it." he looked back at his adopted brother "I don't want to hear anymore of this." he slammed the paper on the ground and pointed an accusing finger at him "And don't even think about trying this stunt again. Do I make myself clear?" the two tail fox nodded. Sonic ran off without a second to lose. After a minute of silence, sounds came back as everyone went about their daily lives. Unknown to everyone a certain green hedgehog was watching the whole scene.

"Do you think he might come back?" he said to his yellow partner who shivers at the thought

"I hope not." they race on the building tops in the direction Sonic went.

"Come on Tails, let's get you home." Amy said as she lead him away. Tails looked over his shoulder one last time before allowing the pinkette to lead him home with everyone right behind him.


Sonic was running along a forest trying to clear his head of the fight he had with his adopted brother, but no matter what he tried his words came fluttering back into his mind.

I think that is you in the picture. You don't have the past 8 years of your life.

'Maybe, that is me.' Sonic stopped and leaned against a tree on the ground letting sleep claim him.

Blue quills turned brown and a growl was heard as brown eyes snapped open.

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