Mission Derek

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Okay so I've officially updated everything BUT Let the Games Begin *face palm* I'm really sorry guys, I swear I really am working on that next chapter

Also I'm sorry this chapter has taken so long to get posted <3 I'm really struggling to write this one because I honestly have no idea how much more there is left to it or anything! It's throwing me off! :)

Anyway if you could highlight the mistakes you find that would helpful! I swear you guys are the best editors! xxx

Comments and Votes are always apriciated, but more importantly: PLEASE ENJOY:

Chapter Sixteen


“Willow, are you even listening?” Jenny asked me, clicking her fingers in front of my face, trying to get a reaction. I snapped out of my daydreams. We were all sat together on one of the benches outside, filling up on as much time in the sun as we could whilst the weather was still good and before we had to go back to lessons in twenty minutes at the end of break.

“Nope.” I answered with one hundred per cent honesty.

Christina let out a laugh whilst Jenny gave me a short glare. “What is with you today?” She asked. “You’re acting really strange.”

I didn’t deny her accusation. I had been acting really strange. I couldn’t quite explain it myself either.

Jenny lowered her voice. “Is this about…you know?” She asked in a hushed tone. “Because by now you’re usually okay…I mean-” Jenny struggled to formulate a full sentence, so I cut her off putting her out of her misery.

“It’s got nothing to do with that.” I promised her.

“Oh.” She said, looking a lot more relaxed now. “Then what is wrong with you?” She demanded to know.

I looked over at Chrissie who looked just as interested in hearing my answer – enough so even that she put down the magazine she was flipping through.

“It’s nothing.” I denied, and they both gave me identical flat looks that let me know that they didn’t believe me even slightly. “I hung out with Derek yesterday.” I said slowly, not meeting their eyes properly.

“You did?” Jenny asked.

Chrissie rolled her eyes. “That’s not really ground breaking news Willow.” She said exasperatedly. “You’ve been hanging around with the nerd a lot.” I pinched my lips together giving her a look of disapproval for the ‘nerd’ comment.

“I know.” I said shrugging my shoulders. “It’s just this time was different…” I said distantly.

“Different? Different how?” Jenny probed.

I shrugged my shoulders blushing, before mumbling my answer under my breath. Jenny raised an eyebrow at me.

“Can you repeat that?” She asked, both her and Chrissie leaning in closer to hear me better.

I bit my lip, feeling my blush grow deeper – and I was pretty sure they figured out basically what I was trying to tell them. “I-I almost kissed him.” I admitted in a rush.

Jenny’s jaw dropped open, and Chrissie’s eyes widened slightly.

Okay so maybe they hadn’t worked out what I had been going to tell them.

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