Chapter 34

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Alex left the room and went yo sleep downstairs

I cant believe that Jane thought I didn't like her i feel asleep crying


I wake up and everyone was sleeping

I went downstairs to see alex sleeping

Rose:I'm sorry baby

Alex:let me sleep

Rose:ok that what I'm going to say at night

Alex:ok ok

Rose:im sorry baby do you forgive me

Alex:yes my love

Rose:im going to make breakfast

Alex: can i go back to sleep

Rose:yes 😂

I made pancakes with egg and i made jane a dog and alexb a plane and my baby a hearts

Rose:wake up lazy ass

Alex pulled me and i was laying on him

Rose:come alex the food going to get cold


Rose:im going to wake up the kids

Alex:k baby

I wen to go wake up jane and dressed her and then she went downstairs with her daddy

Then alexb i wake him up and put his favorite outfit so alex b can a match with his dad

We went downstairs and jane was sitting at the table and alex b was to

Rose:alex come go upstairs and get dressed match with alexb

Alex:ok honey

Alex went upstairs and i give jane and alexb there breakfast
Then I heard alex feel

Rose: guys still here

Jane :k mommy


I went upstairs and alex was on the floor

Rose:did you drank yesterday


Alex came close to me and hugged me and kiss me

Alex:I'm sorry baby

Rose:I'm sorry come on


We ate breakfast and it was time to go to Disney world

So we went to Disney world and they kids were happy and alex was happy you

Then we bought them stuff

Then we went back to the house and the kids went to sleep

Rose:why did you buy a house

Alex:i got a job here and it pays me a lot

Rose:alex we cant just leave our family and friends

Alex:i know but its nice here

Rose:i love it here to but i cant move here


Rose:im sorry alex but no

Alex:so im i just post to trun it down

Rose:yes if you want to be with your family

Alex:i cant


Alex:they would kill us

Rose:what do you mean us

Alex:i join a gang and they won't let leave it

Rose:why would you join a gang alex

Alex:it was a long time

Rose: well you not going to put the kids in danger

Alex:im sorry babygirl

Rose:me and the kids are leaving tomorrow book us the earliest figjt

Alex: i babygirl no plz

Rose:im sorry alex


Rose:we are done

Alex:plz babygirl

Rose:no alex

Alex:how im i going to see the kids

Rose:you can come vist but you not taking them anywhere with out me


(Two years later)

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