I head to my room. My phone rang. I hunged up. [Me:Hey um... There's fans downstairs coming for us bros.] [Zak:What literally?] [Me:Look out the window.] Nick got up to check. [Nick:Oh crap.] [Me:I'm phoning my hotel for a suite. Meanwhile, pack the gears.] I called Rez Lez Hotel in the area. [Me:Joshua, let us in through the back lane. We want to be low profile.] [Joshua:No problem. We'll set up the suite for you.] [Me:Thanks.] They're done. We have security escort us to our van. We head out from the back of the hotel and straight to Rez Lez Hotel. [Zak:They probably got us.] [Me:Man...] We reached the hotel. The rest of them head upstairs while I make the payment and everything. [Zak:Is everything alright?] [Me:Yeah,don't sweat it.] We get dinner and rest.

Next day,

We prepare for our investigation. I set up the nerve centre with Bill and Jay. [Jay:Hey, if you need anything, holla at us alright.] I nodded. I sat down on the chair and set up the computers while Jay and Billy set up the X-Cameras.

Zak comes over. [Zak:Hey kid. You ready?] I stood up. [Me:You're asking a kid that gone through hell with ya? Of course I am.] I just stare at the window. [Zak:Is there a problem?] I snapped out of it. [Me:Huh? No.] We start shooting.

Things go crazy in this place. I go down the basement with Nick. [Nick:I smell ciggar. Is there any gentlemen smoking ciggar?] [Me:Come on out. You like to fool around, now the chance to fool around with us.] We got weird evidences and movements of objects. As we investigate, we didn't realize all of us were separated. [Me:Alright, I'm all alone now. Tell me what you wanna tell me when I was here?] I point my camera into the darkness. I get voices that sent chills down my back. We head back to nerve centre. The spirits are really affecting me. At this point, I'm wishing that this investigation ends early. [Zak:You're alright?] [Me:I don't know. Sudden breeze of sadness came over me. Damn.] Zak just message my shoulders to calm my ass down.

The owners son unlock the door to the other side of the club. [Son:It's crazy in there. Be careful man... They don't really fond of girls.] I nodded. I enter the place alone. I set my recorder on the table while panning the camera in the dark. [Me:Hey, remember me? You push me against the tables, cause me couple bruises on me. Yeah, I wanna know what's your problem with me. I heard you don't like females around. A little irony isn't it?] I turned on the Ovulus 3 and weird shit comes out. The last thing I know, I'm on the ground.

**Zak's POV**

We sent Jazon into the club alone to see what happens further since she had bad experience there. We heard a lot of shit happening all at once then all our X-Cameras went out except our audios. We heard a growl. The crew and myself try to figure which room it was. We need to get her the fuck out. [Me:Jaz, get the fuck out of the place now!] I talked her into the walkie talkie but no response. Our X-Cameras turn back on. We saw a dark figure hovering at the bar and gone. But Jazon is nowhere in sight. [Nick:Fuck. Let's get her out.]

Nick grabs a camera and a flashlight and we find Jazon. Right there and then, we realized the door was locked so that no one could tamper with the investigation. I called the son to come out and unlock it. We get to Jazon. [Nick:What did you do to Jazon.] Jaz is sitting and leaning on a wall, spacing out. [Me:I found her. Jaz, snap it out.] [Jazon:What happen?] Nick helps her up. She got really light headed so Nick have to hold her. We grab her and leave the equipments that have been spread around so we don't bother picking up already.

She sits at the nerve centre. [Jazon:I was holding on to my Ovulus 3 and asking questions. I felt like time stop around me and changes. Like I'm going on another portal until y'all came.] I paused her recorder. Her camera and Ovulus is still in there and still active as we hear words coming out. Everything changes and Jazon is still affected. [Jazon:I need fresh air.] She takes the flashlight and head to the parking lot. I followed her. She throw up. She's shivered after throwing up. We head back to the nerve centre. [Me:She never gets this affected before. This is the first time she ever been this frightened.] Cameras rolling. I sat with Jaz by the side, comforting her. I take off my jacket and put it around her. I felt her head on my shoulders, she's asleep by then.

Another two hours later,

We wrap up the shooting, packing up the equipments and nerve centre. I carry Jaz to the van while the rest grab the rest of the equipments. [Aaron:Hey Zak. Look what I found.] I walk over to Aaron. [Me:What's up?] He rewinds Jaz's camera and we saw a figure walk through Jaz and she collapsed. Then the camera fall from the table, hidden under the pool table. We hear dark, evil laughs. We get back to the hotel. We rest for a while. Billy pull me to the sofa. [Billy:Just now when the owner's son wanna lock Jaz up, I heard him warning her about the club.] [Me:Got it.]

**My POV**

I wash up, try to piece up what happen back in the club. I found scratches on my left wrist. I showed to Nick. [Nick:It's normal?] We regroup in the living room. We go through our cameras. [Zak:You've been here before?] [Me:Nope. But I believe somewhere in hell, they have their own version of Facebook and Twitter.] They look at me. [Aaron:That explains the things happening.] [Zak:Wow...] I rest in my room for the time being before we head home.

Two months later,

We're having more lockdowns more often now since it's gonna be the holidays. December Holidays. We travel to California to investigate the demonic Mental Laboratory. I shared a room with Zak. Bill briefed us on the flow of the flinging. While he was briefing us, I got distracted by my own thoughts. [Billy:Jaz?] I snapped. [Me:Yeah, I'm listening. But really though, why people do such things on people? Even kids.] He shrugged. [Billy:One way to find out.] I take off my jacket, leaving me with a t-shirt. We are all having our own time, I receive a text from Aunt Veronique. [Veronique:You got to check Twitter.] What?

What's on Twitter? Zak's nudes? Jazons unglam? ReAd to find out!

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