"I'm sorry..."

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      Heyyyyyy what uppppp? I hope you're enjoying the story so far, i know its been awhile since i last updated... but... yea lol enjoy <3 ily all <3


  "Hey girl-friend?" Tyler said looking kind of confused.

Hannah looked as if she were about to explode! She said,“And who is this person?”

It was weird she said it in a calm voice.

Tyler replied, “This is my cousin, Adreana.”

I knew Hannah was embarrassed because the look on her face showed it big time.

She said “Oh… I thought...”

Tyler interrupted, “You thought what? I cheated? Am I really that kind of a person to you? Wow what a trustworthy girlfriend you are. How about you? Do you cheat?”

Hannah yelled, “NO! I only thought it, how was I supposed to fucking know this was your frickin’ cousin?!? What the fuck was I supposed to think? “Oh thats just some girl ‘my boyfriend’ is walking with even though I don’t know her, Its okay it doesn’t look at all like their dating.”? Is that what I was supposed to think? Huh? Fuck you! I’m sorry this happened to me before, with this one other ugly ass guy I don’t even want to bring the name up of...” *Hannah starts to cry*

Tyler sees how much it was upsetting her so he sighed and said,

“Oh baby don't cry, I didn’t know... :/ I’m sorry...” He gave her a hug.

I was just standing there, not knowing what to do so, I was just waiting for Hannah and Tyler to get through their moment so we could get on with our lives and my party. It was maybe 2 minutes before they were done hugging, we said our goodbyes, and finally, we left...

        "Holy shit what took you guys so long? It's been like 10 years!" Naomi said as me and Hannah were walking into the park. 

*Laughs* "I know I haven't seen you since this morning!" I said with Hannah by my side.

"Where is everyone else?" Hannah asked, turning to me.

Naomi inturrupted, "They went to the bathrooms over there." pointing to the building by the playground.

"Lets hide, and in the park and see what happens, if they find us or not. lol" I suggested.

Hannah and Naomi both said with excitement, "Omg yesssssss!"

We raced to the playground and hid in our special spots waiting for the others to come outside... They all walk out of the bathroom laughing and giggling with joy not knowing we were missing untill Kalee spoke up...

"Where are the others?" she asked.

They all replied that they did not know. They sat in a circle still talking and saying, "They'll be back, they couldn't of gone far." They heard a small mew coming from up in the big willow tree to the side of the park. There was no choice, I had to come down to tend to the small living creature inside of my bag...They crowded around the tree and wait for my arrival... 

I got down from the tree carefully, and opened the bag to find my little John struggling to peek his head out of the bag. I sat him on the ground because maybe he just needed to do his buissiness. He started to sniff the ground, when the hottest guy in the world (a.k.a. one of my best friends) Mason came up to me and my group of friends and stared into my eyes.... omg he was like I was under a spell. Blue eyed, perfect tan, flippy haired, sexiest guy in the universe! At those moments? I felt like I was under his control... I always wanted to kiss im the first moment I met him, start out the relationship as friends, friends with benifits, then a couple. I first saw him at the skatepark, it was actually kind of scary because he would just stare at me... It made me feel uncomfterable... But then, I found out my friend Mia was friends with him. We all hung out one day, and since then we were good friends. But, now we both stare at eachother directly in the eyes. I held back the urge... and realized he was talking...

"What?" I asked.

Mason answered, "I said what's up? I haven't seen you since like 2 days ago haha."

"Oh, oh my gosh! I know right? Lol so long..." I stuttered trying not to make it visable that I was not concentrating on is voice...

I picked up John and Maon commented, "It's cute :) What's It's name?" 

"His name is John" I answered.

"While your here, I need to ask you something... It's very imporntant, but not here..." Mason said, looking extremly nervous about what he wanted to tell me... 

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