"That must have been quite a sight hu?" he asked Castiel and Cas nodded, still holding his nose, it really hurt and he was sure it was broken. Dean took notice and placed his hand on Cas back asking "are you okay?"

Cas shook his head and removed his hand from his nose "I think it's broken".

Dean looked at Cas' nose before smiling and giving it a careful kiss before saying "It looks fine".

"Are you sure?" Cas asked and Dean nodded.

"But if you want to we can go get it checked out"

Cas shook his head no and Dean laughed, shaking his head and then he gazed into Cas' blue eyes. Castiel looked back into those hypnotic hazel green eyes and he felt the butterflies awaken again. He couldn't get rid of them, they were permanent.

"Dean?" Cas said after he had been gazing at him for at least five minutes and Dean shook his head and blinked a few times, before he started walking without saying a single word.

Castiel just stood there and watched as Dean walked away, before slowly jogging after him until he was caught up and then he walked next to a visible confused and slightly annoyed Dean. Castiel wanted to ask what was wrong, but he thought it was best if he just kept quiet.

     It didn't take long before Dean decided they should go back to the apartment, something must have really annoyed him and Castiel was afraid it was something he had done. Dean walked over to the big window and looked out. He had his hands placed on his lower back, palms pointed out, the left hand over the right. He looked so formal, except for the outfit. Cas pictures Dean standing like that in a suit and he bit his bottom lip before carefully walking towards his bedroom, Dean looked like he wanted to be alone.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dean asked, with a cold and monotone voice.

Cas stopped and swallowed, he looked down at the floor as he said "My bedroom"

"Did I tell you to?"

"N-no but-"

"Then don't!" Dean snapped and Castiel jumped a little and lowered his head even more.

"Okay" Cas said and Dean turned around and pointed one finger at Castiel,

"Don't talk back to me unless I ask you a question, understood?"

Cas was very unsure about what to do now, should he reply, should he not? He lifted his head slightly and looked at Dean, who was very angry, before looking out the window, still unsure about what to do.

"Understood?" Dean said in a voice Cas had never heard, it was so hard, so cold, so angry and it frightened Castiel.

Cas did what he knew Dean liked and nodded and he saw Dean walk over to him, slow and steady. Castiel had his arms hanging down on each side of his body and his shoulders were tense. This was the first time he had been really afraid of Dean, no terrified, and he started to think maybe the old man at the bookstore had been right after all. Dean was now standing right in front of him and he lifted a hand up to Cas' face making him flinch.

"What?" Dean said and placed his hand on Cas' cheek "Oh, baby, I'm not going to hurt you if that was what you were thinking".

Castiel looked into Dean's eyes, they were still angry, but his voice was soft and calm again, just like Cas liked it. Cas leaned into Dean's hand, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm not angry with you" Dean said and placed his forehead on Cas' "I'm angry with myself".

Cas opened his eyes and looked straight into Dean's eyes, looking back and forth between them. "Why?"

50 Shades Of DestielWhere stories live. Discover now