Darkstalkers fun

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It was another day in jade mountain, but not really because there was a giant magical nightwing in the school. "Ok let me get this straight, your an ancient magical dragon that has been trapped underground for 2000 years by your future fellow magical fiancé?" Winter asked. "Ding ding ding you got it right" Darkstalker said charmingly. Winter walked off still looking very confused. Moon walked passed him giving him an assuring pat on the shoulder. "Hey Darkstalker, did you hear about the big meal we are having tonight? There will be food and games and everyone will be there! Doesn't it sound fun?" Moon exclaimed to Darkstalker. "Indeed it does, I've been waiting for a while". It was true he was, but not for a fun party, more because it was mating season and there would be so many willing or future willing dragons to fix his needs. As moon continued talking Darkstalker planned in his head. 'Maybe they won't be so willing, I mean I would kill anyone i fucked, wait a minute I'm an animus, I can enchant them to be able to fuck me, no that wouldn't work, wait...if I can't fuck them, I can watch them fuck each other, hehehe...'

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