Fech veered away from his destination and towards the thick forest surrounding the city. After the initial arrows, he was pleased to note word of him hadn't spread to the outer wall as the guards he snuck past before were now shocked and frightened to see a man-sized creature flying over their heads. The surprise was so complete the gargoyle was out of bow range before someone thought to fire an arrow.

He was fleeing, but he knew he was safe outside the city walls. The humans cared little for the surrounding countryside. He wouldn't be able to go back into Hope again as there'd be more sentries on duty, and he couldn't head back to the safety of Renard's camp until nightfall. Angry and tired, Fech spotted a thick grove of trees and settled down to rest, safely hidden from view. The day had begun with so much promise and potential. A low growl in his throat was the answer he felt summed it all up.


The mayhem reached the wall of the city as word spread. Three of the companions heard the commotion as they approached the gates. "What's happened?" Gilliam asked the young man standing guard at the gate.

The guard nodded towards the heart of Hope. "A beast attacked one of the inns. A buncha folks were hurt. Damnest thing I ever did see."

Each of the companions felt fear and worry spread through them. Though they weren't very familiar with each other, they had developed a strong bond. Each one's thoughts were on the young mage that had remained behind.

Galin muttered a silent oath as Fleir and Gilliam exchanged glances. Fleir had joined them in what seemed like minutes before, but she felt their pain and grief. She hadn't yet met the mage they called Viola, but she imagined the girl could've protected herself against a gargoyle. Of all the mortal races, their magic was the least powerful. If the young lady had been caught unawares, then perhaps, but it was still difficult to fall in with the others and their concerns. If only she could make them understand. She stepped forward as though she floated on air. "Pardon me, good sir, but were there any deaths?"

She could feel the intake of breath from each of her companions. It wasn't a question they wanted to ask but one they needed answered. Fleir waited while the guard scratched his head. "To be honest, miss, I don't rightly know. I've just been told the basics."

Fleir nodded, but let her eyes settle on the guard's. "A friend of ours was staying at an inn. Could you tell us which one was attacked?"

The guard swallowed hard; he wasn't sure what was coming over him, but he fought against the urges this woman was pulling out of him. "No, miss, I... I'm sorry... I don't know." He swallowed hard once more, struggling with himself. "I just know there was an attack and I'm not to allow anyone into the city."

Fleir's expression changed from one of alluring to a gentle pout. "But our friend's in danger. Couldn't you... just this once..." She whispered the last part into his ear.

The feeling of her breath on his skin drove the man wild with passion, but he remained focused enough on his duty that he was able to shake his head. "I... can't. Sheriff... Tavers... will hang me... by my toes."

Fleir smiled at him, but before she could continue another voice approached. "What's going on here?" Galin and Gilliam exchanged glances; this wasn't going to be good.

Fleir stepped back from the guard smiling, "Nothing at all, Sheriff. He was just complementing me. I do hope his duty shift is almost over."

Sheriff Tavers glanced at the young man, then leered at Fleir. "He has four more hours, but I can help you with what you need."

Fleir turned her smile on the Sheriff alone. "Thank you, but I've already had a bath today." She winked at the young guard, "Maybe next time." With a flick of her hand, her red hair was thrown over her shoulder, exposing her silky neck to the guard. She then walked away with her companions. It would prove an intense debate at the ale house between the guard and Sheriff Tavers over whether she had someone with her or not.

Once they were out of sight in the trees, Galin let out a huff. "Nice try, lass. Looks like we won't get in that way."

Gilliam was puzzled. "How didn't Tavers notice us? I thought for sure he'd at least recognize one of us."

"He had more pressing matters on his mind," Galin said, then glanced back towards the city. "Our suspicions were confirmed. It had to be Fech."

"But for what reason?" Gilliam asked in a low tone.

Fleir stood silent a moment. She almost had the guard in her power, but something had stopped her. Any other time she would've enslaved him to her a hundred times over. Could her worst fear be coming true? Lost in her own thoughts, she didn't hear what the others had been saying, but the answer to everything was the same.

"Berek." She hadn't realized she'd spoken until both men looked at her, unexchanged glances with each of them continuing. "He's been the answer all along. Renard's allowed others to win their freedom before—"

"—and Fech always hunted them down for sport afterwards. But this time was different." Galin let the words trail off as he spoke.

Gilliam looked at each of them in turn. "What? You two know something." He was sure he understood their line of thinking; he just couldn't tie it all together.

"Renard had Fech target you two. The gargoyle's been watching you." It all made sense to Fleir as she spoke, but what was it about Berek that was so special to Renard as to not attack him? Was it the same as it was for her?"

"He doesn't want him killed, but why?" Gilliam rubbed at his chin. The answer was within reach, but he didn't know what to grab a hold of.

"Aye, lad, looks like we need answers." Galin stroked his beard.

"But he doesn't know anything!" Gilliam threw his hands up in irritation. "We'll have to ask Renard ourselves." He hefted his mace and took a pair of steps before Fleir stepped in front of him to block his path.

"No, only Berek can confront him." A sudden fear surged through her. Why did she say that and how would she know?

Gilliam eyed her for a moment. "I don't remember anyone putting you in charge, Fleir. He's my nephew."

"And he's my love. You think I'd want him injured?" She faltered, nearly taking a step backwards from the blow her admission had struck her, but she held her ground.

Gilliam let out a breath. An Air Nymph in love, would wonders never cease?

"Either way, we need to wait for Berek and Janessa." Galin sat down and leaned against a tree. "May as well be comfortable." In time, the others followed Galin's lead, though Fleir kept looking towards the city of Hope.

The Sword and the Flame: The ForgingΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα