Chapter 2 - Heartbreak can throw you into a hellish life!

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Rose Garden, Prince Manor, December 1978

Eileen Prince sat with a wistful look on her face in her parents' Rose Garden. She had loved chasing around the trees, smelling all the pleasing, different rose bushes, and playing hide-and-seek with her house-elves as a kid. She had desperately wished for a play mate to join her, but her parents sadly hadn't been able to conceive any new babies, and due to their sheltered, secluded life, she hadn't got any friends till she went to Hogwarts. Her father, Aurelius Prince, was the CEO of their ancient, famous Potions company, Prince Potions, but he wasn't a social butterfly that threw huge Winter Balls or Summer Picnics at his Manor. He loved his silent, academic life and assigned the task to organize publicity-gaining, social events to his beloved wife Lucretia Prince, née Shaqif. But he only allowed her to host them outside of Prince Manor, for he didn't want to let anyone into his private, safe haven. Her mother, Lucretia Prince, was a kind-hearted, bubbly, Herbology genius who charmed every boy at Hogwarts with her captivating, mysterious, onyx eyes and her unruly, dark-brown curls. She had been the captain of the Gobstone Club at Hogwarts and fallen in love with her intelligent, dark-haired classmate Aurelius Prince while harvesting exotic flowers in the greenhouses.

They had been the Hogwarts it-couple of their time – two rich, good-looking, Pure-blooded teenagers from ancient and noble families in love, and with high hopes for their future. The sarcastic, Slytherin Potions expert, Aurelius, and the charming, Ravenclaw Herbology genius, Lucretia, experimented relentlessly on new potions and ways to improve and shorten the brewing process of expensive and difficult potions. Whereas Lucretia researched new ways on how and when to harvest ingredients, Aurelius studied ancient brewing techniques and methods on how to prolong the storage life of brews. Together, they developed new potions recipes and invented numerable Healing Potions and Antidotes that cured Chicken Pox, replenished your blood more quickly or blocked snake venom inside of your veins. They were the academic power couple of the thirties and Eileen's birth made their family perfect. Her parents had been very hands-on, attentive, and kind parents who taught her how to harvest flowers, brew potions and treat everyone with kindness, respect, and politeness. But Eileen had been a shy girl, always trying to make her parents proud of her by writing down her own creative potions recipes by six, reading every book in their library till thirteen, and winning every Gobstone match at Hogwarts.

The lack of playmates and her sheltered, academic upbringing turned her into a socially awkward, insecure, and unique outsider at Hogwarts. Whereas other girls in Slytherin loved to gossip about boys, discuss the newest Make-up Spells and fashion trends or cheer their Quidditch team on, Eileen loved to play Gobstones, read books in the Hogwarts library, and duel in an empty classroom. She had a close-knitted group of Slytherin friends – Robert Fawley, David Avery, Regina Nott, and Angelina Zabini – who visited her in the Summer Hols, studied with her in the library and chatted with her about their hopes and fears. But Eileen sometimes still felt like a passive bystander who let all the fun and adventures of life rush past her. She had mapped her whole future out at fifteen – studying in her dad's company Prince Potions to be a Potions Mistress, inventing new, revolutionary potions in the lab, and marrying the love of her life. But her plans went all crashing down when she fell in love with her fellow Slytherin Prefect and Quidditch captain, Orion Black, in their fifth year. Eileen had had a secret crush on Orion thanks to his captivating blue eyes, handsome smile, and unruly, dark-brown locks since her third year, but Orion had never been a member of her close group of Slytherin friends, because unlike them, he loved to party, boast about his Quidditch moves or prank the Gryffindors. He always seemed too cool, fun-loving, arrogant, and cocky to befriend his Slytherin yearmates and hung out with the older Slytherins.

Eileen knew that her crush on him was pointless, silly and shallow because Orion only noticed her when she beat him with a victorious smirk in a duel or helped him to not explode his cauldron in Potions, and cost them many points. She realized that Orion only flirted with outspoken, sexy, beautiful, and fun-loving, older Slytherin girls. She, with her shy nature, study-focused mindset, and Snow white looks, wasn't his type. Besides that, she knew from Regina Nott that Orion was engaged to his older female cousin, Walburga Black, a rich, mean girl with nasty hexes under her sleeve and a volatile temper, since he had been ten years old. Eileen had wrinkled her nose in disgust at the evident incest of the upper Pure-bloods and regretted that the Blacks didn't know anything about genetics or they wouldn't put their slogan Toujours Pur above the health, magical power, and sanity of their offsprings. Eileen had tried to cure herself of her unhealthy crush with an "All the things that are wrong about Orion Black"-list in her secret diary that only opened to her magical signature and appeared to be an empty notebook for anyone else. But she hadn't been able to heal her lovesick heart.

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