Chapter 1 - Heartbreaks can be the window to a world full of love!

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Master Bedroom, Prince Cottage, Cornwall, December 1978

Severus Prince embraced his naked Sleeping Beauty tightly. He couldn't fathom that he could call this intelligent, stunning, kind and funny woman in his arms his wife. It was as if Merlin had made all of his naïve, and ambitious boyhood dreams come true. He loved and was loved in return by the love of his life, Olivia Fawley, who turned the head of nearly every man with her long, slender, supermodel legs, honey-blonde, voluminous looks, captivating, chocolate brown eyes, and womanly curves, and was admired by nearly every woman for her caring nature, sweet personality and ambitious career goals. Playing with her soft curls, he couldn't believe that he had nearly thrown his happiness away, and let the love of his life slip through his fingers due to some unhealthy teenaged, obsession with his female ex-best friend.

He had been so silly at sixteen, devasted by the downfall of his oldest friendship, and the loss of his boyhood crush. Merlin, he had nearly thrown away his future by skipping classes, refusing to eat and drink probably, dueling the stupid Marauders one on four and joining a terroristic inhuman racist group. In the first few weeks after the "Mudblood incident", he had been reduced to a depressed, desperate and angry teen that hadn't cared if the world went down tomorrow or if he died while stumbling through the Forbidden Forrest in a drunken stupor. He had put Lily on such a high pedestal, worshipped her walking ground and idealized her personality and beauty that he had been absolutely convinced that he wouldn't be able to survive without her in his life. Hell, in his desperate mindset, he had already fucked up his life, switched his light and joy out in a pool of darkness, and drowned his despair in the Dark Arts and Fire Whiskey. Only an intervention from his beautiful angel, Olivia, had saved his life.

She had confronted his drunken ass in an empty classroom in the Hogwarts dungeons. How she had managed to find him was a mystery to him, for he practically lived in the dungeons like a ghost. She must have searched every room for his sorry ass, desperate to save him from himself, and show him a way out of his dark, self-destructive downward spiral. He remembered the shocked look on her beautiful face clearly as she found him hunched over a table, sobbing in despair, and using a newly developed Cutting Curse on his arms. She had stormed into the dusted classroom, disarmed his wand and rushed to his side, embracing him tightly and mumbling a Healing Spell. Her rosy cheeks were pale, and her chocolate-brown eyes shared his pain. At first, he had tried to escape her embrace, scold her for her daring move and throw her out of his security place. How dare she disarm him, see him at his most vulnerable moment and cuddle him like a teddy bear?

A menacing thought to cut her to the quick, insult her caring nature and make fun of her raced through his mind. He wanted to regain his self-control, save his face and erase this weak moment from his mind. An evil voice that sounded suspiciously like his abusive, magic-hating and alcoholic bastard of a father, screamed at him to stop his embarrassing sobs, reject her comfort and hurt her with some snarky remarks. But gazing in her honest brown eyes, basking in the warmth of her embrace and hearing her soothing words that everything would turn out all right, his snide comments had died down on his tongue and he had tightened his grip around her. Staying in their close embrace for what felt like an eternity, he felt that this beautiful, genius young woman would change his life for the better.

She had berated him for his self-destructive behavior and self-harm, called Lily a shallow mean girl for cutting him out of her life and not accepting his apology and assured him that she would be his friend forever. She would help him battle his depression and self-confidence issues for she knew that he had a kind heart, and could conquer everything, kick him in his ass to attend classes and study hard for she knew that he had a mastermind that could change the world if he didn't drown it in alcohol, and talk about his fears and dreams for she knew that he needed to face them to get his life back on track, and see that his life wasn't already fucked up. She promised him to never leave him or think the worst of him. And although Severus agreed to her daily evening talks reluctantly because he didn't like to show his vulnerable side to anyone and talk about his feelings, he noticed very fast that their daily chats lightened his heart, and brightened his soul. He learned that it was okay to cry, lash out in anger or jump out of joy. And he slowly realized that his broken friendship with Lily wasn't the end of his life.

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