Chapter 2: Rose

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I hadn't seen that annoying, pretty, sweet blonde in over a week and I was beginning to worry. She hadn't rang, she hadn't texted, she hadn't stopped by. It was stressing me out.

Everything was upside down, literally.

I could feel the blood begin to rush to my head as I laid upside down of the top bunk of my bed. My short hair was all in my face, my stomach showing a bit. I could see dark ink, I must've been writing in my sleep again.

Strange circular patterns always dotted my waist, moving slightly into stomach territory. They would disappear after I took a shower, but then would reappear that morning.

My brain drifted back to Rose. She said she and Mickey boy were dating, but Rose was unemployed, and Mickey was. So unless he was staying home with her until she found a job, I was stressing out.

I looked at my mobile again, seeing nothing I groaned and placed it back on top of my stomach.

My head began to throb and I could feel it heat up. I knew I should get up, but the only way to do that was to fall. Or use upper-arm body strength.

Slowly, I began to lift myself up, using my core and arms I tried. My muscles began working, slowly bringing me up inch by inch.

Then, this strange scent filled the air, a smell of burning plastic. I scrunched my nose up, trying to figure it out.

The Nestene Consciousness. Those words filled my brain, disappearing as fast as they had appeared. "What?" I questioned suddenly falling off my bunk bed, the pain flashing throughout my body. The breath being knocked out of me.

"Rose!" I breathed, quickly sitting up, my head spinning.

I hopped up, running through my town house, heading to the Tyler flat.

"Jackie! Jackie Tyler! Where's Rose?!" I demanded hammering on the door to their flat. I could hear Jackie scuffle around groaning quite loudly.

"Tessa! What is it?"

"Rose, where is she?" I gasped, running a hand through my thick hair.

"At work-" I cut her off, my brain spinning.

"Where does she work?"

"Hendrick's down the street, why?"

"Thanks, see you later!" I yelled, already rushing down the hallway.

I was worried for Rose. The smell of the burning plastic was not supposed to be there, and I was afraid Rose had gotten stuck in the middle of it.

Outside was cold, the early snow had disappeared, and people were rushing around trying to find holiday gifts for cheap. My legs were pumping hard, and I was running at a full sprint.

I was wearing my black converse, dark blue skinny jeans, and white long-sleeved shirt topped with my tan colored leather jacket and black beanie. A few pedestrians stared after me as I galloped past them, their gazes curious and confused.

I knew I had to get to Rose before something bad happened.

Buildings flashed in my peripheral vision, colors blending together. A cold sweat began to form on my forehead and the bridge of my nose, causing my black Ray-Bans 'hipster' glasses begin to slide foreward.

I shoved them back up, running faster towards the nearing building on the end of the street.

It was at least 4 stories, not counting the possible basement either.

People were scurrying out the doors, employees not far behind. I groaned knowing I'd have to find another way in.

My thoughts began swirling, in almost a circular motion, maybe a metaphor, that my brain had decided to create to puzzle me even more over the fact that Rose was missing.

My eyes skimmed the surrounding buildings and the sides of the Hendrick's building. A dark colored metal door was visible from where I was standing, and it seemed to go straight down to the basement.

Cautiously I began to sneak my way over to the door, careful to avoid employees and customers leaving the store for closing time.

Eventually I reached the door, placing my hand against the freezing metal door handle.

Gripping it hard, I attempted to push it open to no avail.

The handle had moved, showing me it was unlocked, but the door was heavy and rusty, I would have to put my back into it, and that would cause quite a lot of noise.

I felt defeated. I wouldn't be able to make it in, and find Rose in time, her blonde hair wasn't out with the others, and if I did make it in, I was afraid of what I would find.

Unconsciously I slipped my hand into my jacket pocket, rubbing my thumb over the dark ink of the words on the pages. I didn't know what they said, I didn't even know if it was any language on Earth, but the circular pattern of the ink was familiar.

Slowly my fingers began to warm and I could feel an idea forming in my mind.

The plan was simple, breath on the door handle to thaw it out slightly, if that worked, then I would open the door again. If it didn't, then nothing.

Quickly I began breathing hot air on to the door handle, the thin sheet of ice that had begun to cover the door handle began to melt. Carefully, I tried the door again, and to my luck it opened, to a staircase going down.

The stairs were old and stone, slightly crumbling away, telling me that this staircase is old. The rock was deteriorating, some of it falling away with each a step I took.

An old metal handrail was stuck into the wall, singular light bulbs lighting the way.

The staircase soon became lighter as I got further underground towards what I hoped was the basement.

A voice was audible through the space, it slightly high-pitched and scared. I knew immediately that it was Rose.

Soon the staircase opened up into a large room with water heaters and electrical wires and boxes.

Pipes hung from ceilings and plastic mannequins began to make their way towards Rose. My breath hitched in my throat as I thought of the danger that could happen.

Without thinking I ran up to Rose and grabbed her hand as another man came up on the other side and did the same. I stared at him for a moment, his large ears stood out against his short hair. He was wearing a leather jacket that didn't look to good on him.

"Run!" We commanded together, pausing for a millisecond to blink.

And then we ran.

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