PART THREE: Kinero Robotics

Start from the beginning

She turns to you rolling her eyes.
"He's high as a kite as usual, useless sack of shit," she hisses, watching him make his way towards the door.
She grabs your arm as you go to follow him,  "be good baby."

"I will, I'll see you later."
You run a hand up her arm and squeeze her shoulder.

Jeff does an exaggerated wave from the doorway eliciting another eye roll from Wilhemina.

Fucking imbecile, she thinks as anger washes over her.
She watches like a hawk as you both leave the canteen together.

The building was huge, you'd been walking round for half an hour or so and barely scratched the surface.
You approach a large stainless steel door which Jeff opens with his keycard, the door buzzes loudly making you jump

"Fucking hell!"

He laughs at your reaction, "sorry," you splutter.

"What for?"

You realise you don't have to apologise for swearing, not to him.

"Nothing, I guess," you laugh as you look beyond the door, "so what's in here?"

Jeff holds it open as you walk through, looking at your ass on the way past.
"This is the equipment room, well one of them."

Your eyes scan over the vast amount boxes, shelves and cabinets.
Glass tubes and tools are displayed in perfect rows across one of the shelves.

Whoever organised this has some serious OCD.

You don't see him scanning you up and down with his eyes.

"So, you and Mi- Wilhemina..."

He seems like he expecting you to finish the sentence off.

"What about it?" You ask cautiously, not sure where he's going with it.

"She seems wicked protective over you, looked like she wanted to fucking kill me for talking to you."
You both laugh, but in the back of your heads you know it's probably true.

Jeff sniffs, wiping his nose,"does she treat you right?"

You hadn't been expecting that.
"Of course she does!"
You snap defensively, "sorry, I'm used to being at home really.
I don't know anyone round here so I guess I'm just by myself during the day."

He nods listening intently, aware of the pain behind your eyes.
" That sucks."

You nod as he places a hand on your shoulder.

"If I had a girl like you, I sure wouldn't leave you home alone all day" he says, flashing you a cheeky grin.

A big smile spreads uncontrollably across your face, it was nice to have attention from somebody other than Wilhemina.
You notice his eyes dart down to your mouth, making you part your lips automatically.
Your brain can't  think quickly enough to keep up with what's going on and you're scrambling through your muddled thoughts as he leans in and kisses you.

THE PURPLE DRAGON |💜|Wilhemina Venable|FEM-XREADER 🔞Where stories live. Discover now