2. Sadness

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Again, shutout to RAPJ1213Thanks for everything.

Also, you may have noticed a different style of writing,  I hope you enjoy it more :D


Halt's mind was sharply awakened into the world of consciousness as screams echoed throughout the cabin.

The Ranger quickly shot out of his bed, before sprinting toward Will's room with surprising speed for someone of his age.

The Ranger carefully, yet swiftly opened the door to Will's room to see his apprentice wailing on his bed, banging his fists up and down against his pillow.

'Will?' Halt asked with a frown, as he knelt beside his bed. Sadness, he thought absentmindedly as he looked at the tear-streaked face of his apprentice.

'S-sorry for crying, Halt,' the boy said, wiping the tears away from his face to the best of his ability. 'I don't understand what's happening but I aam j-just so sad,' he sobbed.

Halt nodded and patted Will's brown locks in a reassuring and understanding matter. He knew how weird it must've been for Will to have to go through this- and he could understand how hard it must've been for his apprentice, but he knew that they could get through it together.

Will then sniffed loudly, bringing Halt's mind back to the day before when Will had been out in the rain. The boy would definitely need some medication.

'I'll be back in a minute,' Halt told the boy. 'Just... stay here.'

Will nodded and tucked himself so far beneath his covers that only a small tuft of hair was visible.

Halt quickly rushed outside to grab Jenny. As confident he was in his ability to cook, he knew that the girl was better, and, if he could get her to make something warm for Will, it meant that he could spend more time looking after Will.

Halt quickly walked toward the tent and shook the girl lightly on the shoulder. The blonde cook woke up immediately and sprung out of her covers sluggishly.

After Halt had asked Jenny to make some soup for Will, she had quickly agreed, and in practically no time at all, Halt was back in Will's room, comforting the brown-haired boy from the sadness that was pressing down on him.

Will stayed in bed most of the morning until he finally came out of his room to greet everyone for lunch.

'This sucks,' he had confided quietly to Horace. 'I don't like this at all. It's already hard and it's only been two days. Who knows how many more are yet to come!'

Horace patted him on the shoulder in an attempt to reassure him.

Everyone quickly realized that Will was quite sensitive to even the smallest of things. A small remark toward him and he was in tears within seconds. The change in the boy was surprising in comparison to how he usually acted.

The apprentice was sad about everything. The rain, his emotions, his sickness, etcetera. Even Jenny's marvellous cooking skills couldn't lift Will's mood.

It was nearly nighttime though, and the group sure was relieved when Will announced that he was going to go to sleep. Everyone quickly said goodnight and that seemed to be the end of that.

But they could only imagine what could happen tomorrow, and little did they know how hard it was for Will to fall asleep.

That was a shared secret that would stay between Halt and Will.

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