Help Me

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I can't breathe, I'm in pain
I want to die, I can't focus
My head hurts, my voice silent
I'm sweating, I'm crying
Honestly feeling like I'm dying

'Grow some confidence' they say
If only anxiety worked that way
It's not confidence, it's an illness

I struggle, I'm tired
Of being ignored, of being ridiculed
Why me? Why must my brain cause so much suffering?
Why won't people listen?
Pay attention?

Maybe it's paranoia. Maybe it isn't
I can't talk to people, can't look them in the eye
Little acts leave me in a puddle of panic
Making me question my worth
How deserving I am of life
I should get over it
I know I should
I can't.

Help me. Help me.
Help me.

An Anthology of DarknessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora