Electra's Rage and Stefan's Arrival

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Years ago, Howler founded and named ForestHowlerz. The pack flourished and thrived with new faces that soon disappeared. Howler was alone all over again just like she started. No one in her pack remained anymore. Howler wasn't even sure what happened to them. One by one they just started disappearing until soon there was no one left by her. She looked over at the empty lands then walked to the border, looking at Electra's lands. Midnight Killers, had fell apart when Thistle tried to kill Electra. Since Electra loved him, she couldn't fight back, so she fled. Thistle then left the pack and disappeared from the earth never being seen again. Howler looked around, hoping to catch Electra's sight but ever since the incident, Electra was gone. Thistle and Electra had three pups, two females and a male named Peppermint, Aqua Blue and Wolverine. Peppermint and Electra were both fire, so they didn't get along so Peppermint really didn't care if Electra was killed or not. Aqua Blue and Electra were okay, but they didn't really speak much to eachother since Aqua was water and Electra was fire. Wolverine however, was Electra's baby. He always stuck by her side and hated that his father tried to kill his mother. Wolverine wanted his father dead so he disappeared in search of him, but the only one that stood in his way was Peppermint who loved her daddy and would defend him no matter what. Howler looked away with her ears flattened. Her pack was gone, everything she had was gone. Nothing existed anymore. Raising her head up, she howled sadly then let it fade out into nothing. Unsure if she should stay or not, Howler stayed in her pack lands just in case a member or so showed up again. She took off through the woods, hunting what was left of the lands. Elk, rabbits, mice, deer, wild bore, and other animals still flourished sky high. 

Electra sat alone a good distance from her former pack lands with her ears flattened. "How could he?" she asked herself. Shaking her head trying to force back her tears. Electra never cried over anyone or anything, so why cry now. Tears slipped down her fur as she thought of Thistle almost killing her. Pushing aside her tears and pain. She was driven by rage all the sudden. Her eyes turned charcoal black and she growled, her paws heating up and bursting into flames. Flames crept towards the trees. The angrier she grew the more the flames came out. Growling she then let out a fearsome howl that rung all the way to ForestHowlerz.

Howler's head went up as she head Electra's howl then dropped her kill. "Oh no." she said before bolting off towards the smoke that was starting to fill the air. Her eyes widen has flames bursted, catching whatever was close to them on fire. "Electra!" Howler yelled but Electra couldn't hear her over all her rage. She growled and snarled as the flames grew hotter and higher, burning whatever was near her. Howler dashed through the burning lands, hoping to get to Electra and stop her from burning down everything before it was too late. 

Electra glared at everything causing it to burst into more flames. Hot tears slide down her face and her canined bared at nothing. Howler finally reached Electra and coughed. "Electra!" she yelled. "Stop this!" she added but Electra only turned to Howler and snarled, trying to start her on flames but Howler got out of her view before she could. "Electra, I know you're hurting! But you have to stop! It's not worth it!" Howler yelled, dodging a tree the was about to fall on her. Electra snarled at Howler. "You don't know how I feel!" she screamed. Howler glared at her. "Don't think I don't. I had more mates than you did that just randomly got up and left! Electra I do know!" Howler growled then tackled Electra into some water, causing Electra to sizzle out and calm down. The two then faught underwater until finally coming up for breathe. Electra growled, running out of the water, leaving Howler behing to burn. 

Howler's eyes widen as the flames grew bigger. She took off running through the forest, trying to find her way out but couldn't seem to do so. Coughing, she came to a stop. She could barely breathe in all the flames and smoke. She looked around then took off running again. She started panting and slowly came to a stop getting dizzy. Howler shook her head then tried to move another step, but blacked out.

Howler felt she was being picked up by strong arms, but she couldn't wake up and they didn't feel or smell human. She was being carried out of the burning forests and was laid down on the ground faraway. Stefan looked down at the white and grey wolf that he had saved, hoping he had been too late. Her fur was charcoaled from the smoke and she wheezed slightly from all the smoke in her lungs then coughed, before slowly waking up. Stefan kneeled down and smiled, petting her, causing her the jerk away and stand. She looked at him, blinking. Never coming close to a vampire, only other wolves and humans. She didn't know such a creature could exist but little did Howler know, she wasn't a full wolf, she was half vampire. Electra however, was a wolf and werewolf, somehow. Stefan looked at Howler before smiling again. "It's ok. I won't hurt you." he said, holding his hand out to her. Howler sniffed at his hand slightly before slowly walking closer, wagging her tail. Stefan smiled and petted her head. "Glad to see that you're ok. You're a lucky little one to have survived that." he said. Looking at her, he tilted his head. "What's your name little one?" he asked. "Howler. My name is Howler BlackWolf." Howler replied. Stefan smiled and nodded. "Quite a unique one you are Howler." he said before standing up. Howler wagged her tail then barked, leading Stefan to her lands. Once they reached their, she flattened her ears. "It was something but now it's nothing." she whispered. Stefan just shook his head. "It's always going to be something. Old generations fall but new generations always rise." he smiled, looking down at her. Howler tilted her head. "How am I suppose to to start a new one if no one is around?" she asked. Stefan just chuckled before walking off into the woods with her following behind him. 

Stefan sat down on the ground as Howler sat a little infront of him. It was quite a bit of silence until Howler finally broke it. "So, you're a vampire?" she asked. Stefan simply just nodded. "Tell me about yourself." she said, looking at him. Stefan looked back at her and shrugged. "I really don't remember much. I've been around for years. I have an older brother named Damon. We were born back in the Cival War Era but that was about it." he said, shrugging. Howler nodded, looking at him. "You never told me your name." she said. Stefan facepalmed, "My manners. I am Stefan Salvatore." he replied with a smile, causing Howler to smile back at him. The two talked, unknowinly knowing Electra was watching them from the cliffs, glaring. She growled at the fact her sister was still alive and was planning on starting a new generation of ForestHowlerz. Electra glared at Howler then the vampire that saved her from burning to death. Snarling, Electra disappeared off into the woods leaving the two behind.

Howler and Stefan spent the whole day talking about themselves, places they've been, their pasts, and things that happened. Finally, it was night fall and Howler yawned, stretching. Stefan started a fire then sat down by it, watching Howler. Howler yawned then curled up next to Stefan falling asleep. Stefan blinked then smiled, petting her. The two had became friends in a short period of time. Stefan smiled then leaned his head back, closing his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2012 ⏰

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