Prologue + Update plan (Short)

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Many years ago, there were 6 people escaping from a burning planet. They are building a human from clay when they land on beautiful planet that might be even bigger than earth. When the finished the human, they had accidentally even it two more eyes and extra arms. When the human came to life, she was furious about the extra parts. She used magic to corrupt all the 6 people... except one. Before she could get to the 6th one though, they pushed her into a small spring next to a small mountain. She melted, for she was made of clay and paint, as soon as she touched the water. The 5 people that were corrupted looked like this:

1. They had two deer horns, and their hair was brown. Their skin was soft like fur, and it was also deer fur brown.

2. They had 4 arms, and 4 legs. 8 eyes, and was a light violet. They had long white hair, and they had no pupils, just LIGHT blue eyes that looked like alien eyes.

3. One eyed person, nothing much but some short neon blue hair and light pink skin. The eye was a neon green.

4. The other person has 4 arms, and 2 legs. They also have 4 eyes, each pair is different.

5. They have hair that is a dark grey-purple. And skin that is a light grey, and 2 eyes. They also have wing like skin from their arms to their knees (like a flying squirrel).

The end.

Ok, not literally, but that is the end of the prologue.


Ok, so for the update schedule:

Every Sunday


Yeah, that really it, but when sumber comes it will be quicker. If I dont update then either I can't get on or I forgot (or I have writers block...)

So anyway, chapter 1 is coming soon :³

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