Atlantic Blue

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While sailing across the North Atlantic Ocean, I ate one of the best meals. While the food was great, it was more about the people I was with. In the Summer of 2016, my family and I went on a cruise as my high school graduation present. We embarked on a nine day trip sailing from Maryland to the Caribbean. We stopped at Bermuda and Bahamas. This trip is very memorable to me, as it was one of the last special dinners I had with my uncle, who passed away a few months later. Being with my family, on an unforgettable trip, eating great food, while watching the sunset, was absolutely priceless!

At the beginning of the trip, all guests were invited to attend the Captain's Dinner. Guests are expected to dress in formal attire. We were seated in a giant dining area, made up of two levels. We sat close to the windows, so we could watch the water as we ate. Each of my family members ordered something different, but I remembered we each tasted each other's dishes. The food was excellent, but the conversations between my family was even better. There was no cellular service in the middle of the ocean, so all attention was placed on being together as a family. The conversations were filled with laughter and jokes. At one point, I couldn't tell if my stomach hurt because I ate too much or because I was laughing so much. Either way, we had a great time!

However, what I took away most from this trip, was the time I got to spend with my uncle, my best friend, who I lost a short time later. My uncle was a big 'foodie'. He was the person who introduced me into the world of food. He taught my how to hold a knife properly, how to chop, how to add different flavors into food. On the cruise, I remember sitting next to him, simply enjoying the food that was placed before us. That moment is one that I will never forget, all because of a meal we shared. For that, I am very grateful.

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