"No, not Slade himself...well I guess a little...but, what he did to me. I don't know what's wrong with me, the doctors haven't even talked to me yet. I feel horrible and what Slade said...what if I never recover?" Absentmindedly, he smoothed Starfire's hair. "I don't know what's going to happen to me."

"Well, I guess it would be normal to feel like that in your situation. But it's just because he got to your head and broke down your defenses. We'll get you back on your feet and out patrolling the streets."

Robin clenched some sheets in his hand. "Do I have to?"

"You don't want to get better?"

"No, I meant...do I have to be a hero? Can't I just...be a normal teenager?"

Bruce rested a large hand on his head. "My son," he only called him that in very serious situations, "you've seen too much, felt too much, experienced too much. You can't be normal. Not ever. Besides, I thought you wanted to make sure no other child ended up like you did?"

"You heard that?"

"Cyborg forwarded me all the calls. I heard everything."

"But...what if this happens again? What if Beast Boy or Raven or Starfire..." he choked as tears sprang to his eyes. "What if someone takes them and does the same to them? Or worse!" His voice faltered and he broke out into harsh coughs. He held up a hand to his throat and whispered. "Ow."

Bruce refilled the glass of water. "What if they are taken away? If you retired, would you be able to help them?"

Before he could answer, Starfire roused and looked up. "Robin, you are awake. How do you feel?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"Not so tired." He leaned his head against the pillow to relax. "But it's going to take a while for me to feel like..." he was about to say himself, but he didn't want to go back to the way he was."To feel like I want to."

"I understand." A dazzling smile came over her face and she hugged him gently. "Forgive my intrusion on your personal space, but it has not set in for me that you are truly here. How greatly I missed you!"

Robin blushed, and he could thank the lord he already had a fever. "I missed you too, Star." He pulled back from her a bit to look at her. "What you said, when I cried...I cried because I had forgotten how to be optimistic. You always provided that view for me, and for that I can never thank you enough."

Star's face practically resembled her hair. "Really?"

Robin blushed as well, but continued. "Absolutely. I thought that my time with Slade would be the last on earth. I began to regret all the things I didn't say to you guys. Especially you."

"Like what?" She drew closer to him in fascination. He suddenly became very aware of his arms around her waist. He heard a hum and turned to see Bruce with a sly smile on his face. Robin glared, but he waved him on. He looked back to Star, with her glowing green eyes, waiting.

He gulped. "I...um..." He thought for a moment. "I want to tell you in private. I'm nervous," he confessed. She nodded in understanding. "Oh Robin, it is alright."

He sighed, but the deep breath caused a sharp pain in his chest, and he coughed. Starfire covered his hand with hers.

"Star..." he tried to smile but he knew what he was about to say would crush her."Can you not call me that anymore? My name is Richard...or Dick, whichever you prefer."

She blinked. "Richard? You do not look like a Richard."

"I've heard that before."

"It will be hard to get used to."

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