Inside me: Past Ghost. Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


There was movement in the house. She could feel it through the heavy wooden door of her room. But more than anything else she could feel it on her skin. That electricity that comes when there is excitement and anxiety around. Well, this excitement vibrated with the air in the House of Deveraux for months. But in recent days had become much more present and evident. In his parents. In the servants. Everywhere.

All this made ​​her nervous. As if that were not enough the thought of a stranger in their home. At one time the Deveraux were a respected family in New Orleans. Now they were known and remembered only for the mystery that hovered over their house and misfortunes newer. What would grandfather Thomas think? What grandmother Margot?

What a terrible idea had been his parents .. ads in the Internet.

Since his parents knew how to use the internet?

Her mother described him as an experiment. Vic a bad experiment, a very bad idea.

Then suddenly something changed. As if the energy of the house had been focused elsewhere. But where? ..

Victorie left the room down the stairs quickly. The door of the living room was closed. Something was happening.

She reached the door, "Miss Victorie .. can not enter," she turned away for a moment while Adolf, their old butler approached.

"I'm at my house Adolf .." Vic said simply opening the door energetically.

Vicky came in with the pride that distinguished her. She looked at her parents, freezing them with her eyes. Traitors. The guest arrived today. For this they were all anxious. For this reason they were so far apart at breakfast.

"Mom .. Dad .. you forgot to send for me?" she said with a tight smile, as if to say 'I know what you tried to do and did not like it'.

"We thought you were studying darling, we did not want to bother you .."

She shifted her eyes on the host. That behind his plastic pose and coolness of the eye was definitely confused or surprised by her presence.

He was young. Almost as tall as his father. Lean physique. Moro. Olive skin. Protruding jaw. Dark eyes. Beautiful lips. And he probably never took off his that air of super sullen-faced man. He was nice. Very much. And if she had not sworn to hate him, maybe she would be impressed by him.

"Is he ‘him’?" Vic said looking at the man beneath the long lashes

"I am 'him' .." the host said in a low voice

"He is 'him Vic .. Mr. Caleb Rivers" her father introduced him to her.

Caleb Rivers started to get closer, but  Victorie’s cold stare stopped him immediately

"I am Victorie Deveraux" she said with a nod.

" have We disturbed you while you’re study sweetheart?" Asked Mr Deveraux

"No. .. This is not what bothers me today.."  Vic looked at Caleb with eloquent look.

She moved to the bar, took the brandy and poured it though. "Would you like something to drink Mr. Rivers?"

".. Actually .. I'd like to"


"Scotch" Victorie poured it and handed it to him. His fingers barely touched. Wow. That is what they call chemistry .. and his eyes. His eyes were terribly dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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