Chapter 7- Discoveries

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Simon and Freya hurried into the living room, where they found Josh, sitting with his head between his hands. "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have drunk around her. She had addict parents, I should have know better" Josh was crying, a sight that Freya had only seen once before. "Hey, Simon, go home and get Talia, then come back . I think we all need to talk"

Simon returned with Talia, who looked scared. "Why am I over here now? What's wrong?" "It's about Lucy. Well, it's about her dad." Simon sighed. "You remember my uncle, right? How he left the country after my parents came back? Lucy says that her dad was from here, and I did the maths. He was the right age for when he went overseas as to when Lucy said her dad came to New Zealand. Also, she looks so similar to him. I looked through old family photos quickly while we were home, and got this photo. Look how similar it is to Lucy." Simon pulled out his phone, with a side by side photo on it. Freya gasped as she realised. "So, Lucy is your cousin? That's bare odd you know?"  "I think we should all go to bed, and talk it over with Lucy in the morning. Simon, Talia, you can stay in the guest if you like" With that, everyone headed upstairs.
Freya and Josh were laying in bed, almost asleep when they heard a timid knock. "Come in Lucy" Josh said. She made her way over to the bed, and sat down at the foot. "Josh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad or anything for drinking, it's just that my father, John, used to get really drunk and then he would come and hit me. I'm sorry for reacting the way I did, it was an old self defence mechanism." Josh pulled her into a hug, and Lucy lay down between her new family. As she was almost asleep, she whispered "May I call you Mum and Dad? John and Greer didn't let me use those names." "Of course, I'm honoured that you've accepted us." Freya stroked Lucy's head lovingly, as the young family drifted off to sleep.

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