The Bubble

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I don't want be here, I'm in a room filled with people but yet I still fell alone. I feel unwelcomed more like an outsdider to their world while I'm stuck in a bubble their all outside of it free to do as they want.I am shy I can't help it it's jus comes natural to me I feel as though if I was more prettier and friendly they would want to talk to me but even then it's not graneteed that they would.My world is to different from theirs. I am different and i can't help it i don't mean to be this way but I am and i can't change it. Maybe I can act like them but it would be to hard or maybe start putting makeup on to make myself look better i don't know all i know is that I'm still stuck in a place where I'm not wanted and not welcomed. I'm sorry that I can't be more like u all.I feel as though sense I started here that I'm slowly slipping into a deep state of depression that won't be as easy to get out of if that is to happen I dont know what my world, mind and body will become of.


Unknown ♡

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