The drive to the party was silent, Eddie would give him directions here and there but the two opted to share a comfortable silence at all other times. It wasn't until he had circled the lot twice and pulled the truck into an empty spot so far in the back that it wasn't even a part of the parking lot that Fangs spoke. He had noticed the way she kept fiddling with her cell phone in her lap, and then he noticed her lack of a bag so he asked her, "You want me to stick that in my pocket?"

Her dark eyes met his, "Would you? I forgot my bag on the kitchen table and picked the one dress without pockets."

He chuckled and nodded, pulling her cell phone from her hands and sliding it with ease into the pocket of his dress pants with his own phone. He then hopped out of the vehicle and jogged around to her side, meeting her there just as she opened the door for herself, and he held out his arm for her. She placed her hand delicately on his forearm as she climbed out of the truck and then allowed him to link their arms together again before he guided her to the front doors of the local hall, weaving in and out and around all of the parked cars.

When they arrived at the doors, after climbing the six front steps, they stopped and Eddie gave her name to the man standing next to the door with a clip board in his hands, "Eddie Price."

His eyes scanned the paper in front of him before he stated, "Edina Price and guest, have a good night."

As they stepped inside the hall Fangs asked her, a hint of amusement peeking through his words, "Edina?"

She shot him a smile and reached out to pinch his forearm gently, "Shut up, Fangs."

A laugh bubbled out of his mouth but he fell into silence when a thin brunette who bore a striking resemblance to the one on his own arm approached them with a tall, bald man following behind her. The woman wore a wide smile on her crimson painted lips and Eddie leaned closer to Fangs and apologized quietly, "That would be the hippie freaks who raised me, I'm truly very sorry for whatever is about to happen as I'm sure that it will be most embarrassing for all parties."

He almost snorted.

Eddie was pulled into a tight hug, but Fangs noted the fact that she made sure not to be pulled from his arm, and when she was released she took a step back toward him, finding comfort in a place that made them both equally as uncomfortable. She did however smile at her mother as she said, "We were beginning to think you decided to stay home."

"Don't think I didn't think about it. Several times. In fact, I'm even thinking about it right now." Eddie stated, and her father let out a commanding laugh from behind her mother.

He reached out and patted her shoulder, telling her, "Stay for an hour and then you can leave."

"Robert!" Her mother chastised.

But it was too late, the idea had already been planted in her head and Eddie grinned over at him, "Deal."

Fangs supposed that up until now he had been lucky that he had been on the outside looking in because as soon as the word left Eddie's mouth her parents turned to her date, him, expectantly. He cleared his throat and slipped his arm out from Eddie's grasp, holding it out as he introduced himself, "Mr. and Mrs. Price, it's nice to meet you."

Her mother shook her head and with a warm smile and a rather firm handshake for someone so delicate looking she told him, "Oh no, sweetheart it's Krishna and Robert, please."

Her father on the other hand had a relaxed handshake, much gentler than that of his wife's which Fangs found unnerving. Fathers were supposed to be the tough ones, and here was this man, towering over him by several inches with broad shoulders contained by an expensive suit, who by all standards certainly looked the part of terrifyingly intimidating father. But his demeanor was so soft, his dark eyes so gentle and a lively smile that gave him a youthful appearance said otherwise. It threw the teenage boy for a loop.

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