Chapter 3- Let Me Go

Start from the beginning

I'm safe. I pull my hair out of the fish tail nd flip it around a few times and shake out the tanlges. When I go to turn the light on a hand clasped over my mouth, bringing me close to their body. I strained the tears that swam around my eyes.

Niall brought his mouth to my ear, whispering in a low suductive voice, "Do it again and I'll make you regret ever thinking that would slow me down."

I knew he wasn't meaning for it be sexy, and it surley didn't make me clue that he wanted sex. His voice almost sounded sickening the way it came out, sterring around the contents in my stomach. I wanted to get throw up right but I just nodded and he released me, slamming the door shut.

Don't cry.

You can't be weak, don't cry, this wasn't my fault it's theirs. I hadn't notcied what I was doing until my hand collided with a lamp on the desk, smashing it all over the ground. My hands wiped over my mouth as if his fingers had germs or AIDs on them.

If only I had agreed with Darcy and went with to her families then maybe I wouldn't be in this situation where I have major possibility of being murdered. But I just needed to go out with a guy I met couple days prior to the event.

I sat on the edge of the bed, my head face down into my palms. Soon voices were erupting downstairs of playfullness and joking. It died down quickly when another voice piped in. I knew it was Niall telling them about what I did and probably left out all the things that he'd done to me. Bothering to listen to what they're saying is pointles when I possibly wouldn't get a chance ot explain myself.

Not that I needed to explain anything to them. If they want to think that I openly attacked the irish bastard for no reason than go for it. Maybe they'll step off me for a while, long enough to let a plan come to mind.

The door creaks open, my heart quickening. I peer up from my hand and Louis stands in the doorway with a dissapointing look on his face. It's as if he's trying to taunt me to feel bad about what I did.

"If you're here to tell me what I did was wrong, I've already herd it. And quite frankly I don't care," I pushed back on the bed more so I could bring my knees to my chest.

He sighs,"I thought you said you weren't a fan," I furrowed my eyes brows, "You could've been truthful instead of trying to shut Niall up by biting him."

It was automatic, laughter pessing out of my mouth with my hands already clutching my stomach. Yes, it was funny that they thought I was fan but even funnier how they thought I bit  him to shut up the blonde. If I could've gotten a more unsettled look it owuld have been now with Louis looking as he was about to start running.

"You think I'm a fan? Let this be a tip; Quit singing, you have to at least know you suck. How many fans do you have? Thousands of ten year olds that couldn't press the first step of good music. And your friend? He's just some lying ass that doesn't want to say he grabbed me from leaving the kitchen and wouldn't let go," I was chuckling at this point, a very hurt looking boy standing in my doorway.

This should be the splitting point of ever a 'friendship' to be born. We are not friends nor will we ever be. I don't like them and they should be finally taking a long and large hint that this is a mistake.

I stood up only to be pushed back down onto the bed roughly. Louis was standing above me, his lean figure towering over mine. My confidence level dropped about thirty feet below ground and plummiting into hot lava. He looked on the border line of deciding whether to hit or stalk out of the room.

"Listen to me, I've been nothing but nice to you unlike the others. I've shown you nothing but compassion because you don't think I know you don't like it here. The lads think you're just a fan in disguise so they won't find you creepy but I can see the hate and torture that fills your eyes whenever we're around. It's been almost two days so could you at least give mea little more than your shitty attitude?" He barked.

Shitty attitude?

Something in me snapped and I was up form the bed, almost matching his height. If it weren't for the built up energy I probably wouldn't have smacked my hand so hard against his face. A redprint already formed on his cheek as I pushed him back from me, prodding my finger in his chest.

"If I'm such a terrible person then let. Me. Go," I spattered, the anger growing with each word I say, "I will never show you any compassion because if you truly cared about what I felt then I would be back home."

"Trust me, I don't want you contaminating our household with yourself," He sneered, leaning more into me.

"Fuck you," I fumed, smacking twice as hard across the cheek. My hand throbbed in a repeating manner while Louis covered the area I hit. It definitly would leave a bruise.

Someone had grabbed me form behind and I let out deathly screams, flailing my body around. The figure only held on tighter, taking all the punches I through. They can't defend themselves because if some other has to hold back a skinny girl while you remain eye locked than you're a wimp.

"Get off!" I jabbed my elbow into the side of the stranger. It didn't get me much but the hold was lessened, giving me the oppurtunity to slip the hole and push them back.

I grabbed the collar, ready to start swinging when I noticed it was Zayn. He didn't look like he wanted to hurt me but I wasn't going to take the chance. I pressed on his temple, watching his eyes roll to the back of his head before dropping to the floor.

My focus turned back to Louis but he was already gone. That must've been why Zayn didn't put up much of a fihgt back when I got from his grasp. The irritation buried deep in my skin, prickling the more I kept it in my head.

I should've checked to be more positive that Louis wasn't there because when I turned around my slammed into him. He caught me from falling but swung me over to the bed. I wasn't sure how he was going to take being slapped twice on the same spot, although his facial features didn't show much.

"Your food will be brought up to you for now on. You will remain in here until proven that acting out isn't apart of your nature," He stated like writing off a script, turning form and dragging his best friend out the door and locking mine.

They can't stop me from leaving here. I scurried over to the door and turned the knob only to find it was jammed with something from the outside.


So maybe they can stop me from leaving the room.

"Great, just great, now what am I suppose to do. I'm alone," I moaned, rolling my eyes but stopped midway. I'm alone. The won't bother me to come hang with them because they think I'll act out in some odd manner. This won't be too bad.



I dont wanna be in love, I don't wanna be in love. Oh hey there.

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Desire //Luke Hemmings

❝We all want we can't have,❞

The first chapter of her book is up take a  look at it!:)

I hope you like this one because I will not update till I get three comments. Oops. Imma sorry but trust me it will get lower and lower.

I need more fans and stuff. Will you guys and girls please read my other book; This Wasn't a Mistake. Thingy ma jig. Please? Thank you.

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~Keep on lovin and livin~

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