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fallacy pov. 

i roam around the castle waiting for my love to wake up, i cant help but think about the villagers and what they have done, encre has been in bed for days now, im worried, will they ever walk up?  jasper walks up to me and pulls my cape, 

"father?" jasper says, i look back to see the little vampire now older, i turn to my son, 

"when is the mortal gonna  wake up?" jasper said with worried eyes

"i dont know jasper, the mortals from the village, done too much on them, we'll have to wait and see" i walk up to him and pat his head, small bits of tears shined on the corners of  his eyes.

later in the evening when the sun gone down a little i like to walk about in the garden, a few birds singing in the trees whistle their songs, they sky turned a mixture a of a dusk orange and black, 

as i walk though the garden i hear a familiar voice

"took you long enough to like them again fallacy" the stranger said

"Rêver, its been a while, hasn't it" i turn to see the vampire, cloaked in gold and blue, 

"nice evening today" rêver said as he walked up to me

" i thought Felicia banished you" i said pleased at the sight of an old friend

"Felicia may have banished me but she wont know, i still stick around fallacy, that old bat, has her decades coming to her too fast" rêver mocked in a playful mood

"you never changed rêver" i said smiling

"i heard what happened to encre, i thought i could help" rêver smile at me, and put his hand on my shoulder, 

we both walked back to the castle talking, i lead rêver to see encre, who lay in bed draped in bandages, rêver took one look and used his magic to help him, a golden glow surrounds encre, i watch as the burn marks slowly disappear, 

i left the room so rêver could have some time to help them, and for some reason i feel at peace, knowing encre will be alright...

to be continued

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