far from home

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in a small town of Everwood, there lived a young skeleton, his name was encre, he had travels all the way from France to learn about science, but science in that era was consider witch craft, but he didn't care, encre wanted to learn more about the world so he set off, 

the town was small, and not much goes on except, a legend of vampires, and of a castle not too far away that holds the most feared vampire of the all the second son of lord Dracula himself...

encre pov.

i was on my way to visit an friend of mine in town, he always believed in me and my theory, about science, Simon was a modest and kind, he believe there a solution to everything but we just got to find it.

on my way to see Simon, one of the guards stoped me, 

"oh morning encre!!" the blue guard in armor

"Bonjour, Azure" i greeted the skeleton in blue armor, with a smile

"hey you dont happen to know if the blacksmith is in.... do you" Azure blushed a light blue,

"oh course, chéri, he's there, but between me and you, i suggest you bring him something to eat, he's been worrying all night, il va aimer ça" i tried to speak in english the best i could, azure smiled and when off to the bakery, 
(darling-  he'll like that)

i got to Simon's house, he was standing outside with a young lad who seem to be constantly around him, always fascinated with the work me and Simon do,

"Bonjour Simon, Orion," i said

ENCRE!!" orion ran up to me, then hugged me,

"comme c'est mignon" i patted orion's head

( how cute)

" encre i have a task for you" Simon walked up to me then handed me a list,

"can you go into the forest and gather these for me," Simon smile

" bien sûr " i said taking the list,
(of course)

 simon knows french so i dont need to struggle with my English, so when im around him, i can speak my own language,

"puis-je emprunter un cheval?" i asked,

(can i borrow a horse?)

"of course, i'll go get my horse" Simon left to the stables,  Simon cam back  with a black and white horse, 

"here you go encre" Simon said holding the horse's reins, i hoped on the tall beast, and set off to the forest to gather the ingredients on Simon's list, Simon and  i have been trying to make medicine, we made a cure for rashes, cuts, to heal quickly, i wanted to be a doctor in France but my status there wasn't the best,

i wonder what i'll find in the forest??

to be continued

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