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Before anything go on YouTube and type in Mostwanted.moy and subscribe to my channel

Anyway on to the story...

Y/N:listen sebastian I- I love you and I care about you and I really don't want you to hurt yourself because it hurts me and everyone else so just promise me you won't do anything to hurt yourself anymore
Sebastian:... ok
Y/N:thank you
You told everyone to come back in the room and Oliver hugged sebastian
Oliver:sebastian please don't ever hurt yourself ever again you're my bro like what would I do without you I love you sebastian and it hurts me when you hurt yourself so promise me you won't ever hurt yourself again
Sebastian:I promise and I love you Oliver I don't know what got into me I won't hurt myself again
Gigi started crying but it was kinda happy tears
Everyone looked at Gigi
Gigi:what I'm emotional and it's so sweet how close you guys are
Y/N:alright guys group hug
As you guys hugged Oliver grade your butt you look a Oliver and smirked as we all let go you play hit Oliver and he just smirked and whispered in your ear "I know you want me" and I whispered back "who doesn't"
The doctor came in and you and Oliver moved a way from each other a bit so you guys didn't look suspicious then the doctor said...
Doctor:alright sebastian you can go home now but you have to keep your arm clean and raped up for about 2 weeks
Doctor:and don't forget to change it
Sebastian:I won't
You all leave but Gigi and sebastian go in their car so you and Oliver go in yours.
As you guys are driving Oliver puts his hand on your thy you look at him but his eyes are on the road. You didn't think much of it but then he moves his hand up still focusing on the road as he moves his hand up and it gets closer and clear to your "kitty" you start breathing harder and heavier. You guys stopped at a red light and Oliver unzipped your pants and slid his hand in going under your underwear he started rubbing your pussy (ugh I don't like saying that word😖but oh well)and without a warning he pushes 2 fingers in and starts driving as the light turns green as he does that you let out a moan. You were about to cum but then he moved his hand
You tried to finish what Oli started so you put your hands down your pants but he pulled your hand out
Oli:nope I'm not gonna let you
Y/N:omg Oliver why you gotta do this to me
Oliver:because I can😏
You tried to get him back by putting your hand on his pants but he grabbed your hand
Oli:I know what you're trying to do but it's not gonna work
Y/N:did you plan this out or something
Oliver:we're home
You ignore him and get out the car
Oliver:oh so we're doing that now ok
You go up to your room and lay down on the bed. You sit there for about 5 minutes to see if Oliver would come in but he didn't so you put your hand down your pants and (ya know yeah) you started moaning and you didn't care if Oliver heard you then you started moaning Oliver's name. You were a moaning mess a until you finally came to your climax and came then Oliver opened the door
Oli:having fun
Y/N:how long have you been there
Oli:the whole time I knew you were gonna do
Y/N:Oliver you're confusing
Oli:that's the point... anyway are you ready for round 2
Y/N:wait what
Oli:yup this was just round 1
Y/N:Oliver what are you planning
Oli:that's only for me to know and for you to find in the future
Oliver then just stairs at you but somehow it was very attractive. He then starts slowly walking towards you then you start walk towards him until you're so close your noses were touching. He then goes down to your neck and starts kissing it. It was very light and soft kisses making it feel really good. Oliver then starts slowly pushing you making you back up until you hit the bed witch made both of you fall on the bed with Oliver on top of you still kissing your neck but a bit harder making you moan a bit. He started grinding on you witch made you let out a loud moan. You could feel as Oliver smirked on your neck he then goes up to your lips and you guys start making out and Oliver is still grinding on you then Oliver stops kissing you and gets up and acts like nothing happened
Oli:*wishers* not yet baby girl😏😏
He turned around and I thought he was leaving so I want to my my hand In my pants so I could finish what he started AGAIN but then he said
Oli:don't even think about it
Y/N:but how di-
Oli:because I do
Oli:your hot when your mad ya know



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