Flash back

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     *Back to when you where 12*
(Y/M):Because your dad got a good job in Florida and I looked at a good house , you'll love it
(Y/N):uhgggg , but I have friends did you forget
(Y/M):You can make new ones
(Y/N):fin I'm go to sleep,good night
(Y/M):Ok good night sweet
You wake up and take a quick shower brush your teeth and hair and put this on (^^Below^^)

You go to school (middle school ,remember to your 12) and tell all your friends that you're moving (Anna):nooo ,I'm gonna miss you so much (Gabby):me to 😭😭(Y/N):Omg what am I going to tell John I ,have to break up with him😭😭*skip to lunch *(Y/...

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You go to school (middle school ,remember to your 12) and tell all your friends that you're moving
(Anna):nooo ,I'm gonna miss you so much
(Gabby):me to 😭😭
(Y/N):Omg what am I going to tell John I ,have to break up with him😭😭
*skip to lunch *
(Y/N):hey John
(John):hey (Y/N) ,a week before school ends I wanna hang out all summer
(Y/N):About that I have to break up with you be cuz I'm moving to Florida
(John):but why do u have to break up with me*starts to tear up* (middle school relationships am I right...😒)
(Y/N):Because I cant do long distance relationships
(John):whatever I never really like you anyway
(Y/N):uhh whatever
*A week later *
(Y/M):Do you have an any thing left in your room
(Y/M):ok lets go
The car ride was 7 hours but you finally made it and when you got to the neighborhood you noticed to things the one and only Oliver Moy not that you have been stalking on social media (this was young Oliver ok) the you look at the house next to it and it was pretty big
The house looks like this

😒)(Y/N):Because I cant do long distance relationships (John):whatever I never really like you anyway (Y/N):uhh whatever *A week later *(Y/M):Do you have an any thing left in your room(Y/N):No (Y/M):ok lets go The car ride was 7 hours but you fina...

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You said to your mom
(Y/N):wow look at our neighbors house
(Y/M):that's not our neighbors house
(Y/N):then who's is it
(Y/M):it's our house sweetie
(Y/M):yes ,go ahead and go look at it I think it's unlocked
You walk up to the house and it was unlocked so so looked through the house and found your room and got all excited.
*Later that day*
You finally got all of your stuff unpacked so you asked your mom if you could meet the neighbors and she said "sure"so you walk up to your neighbors house (aka Oliver's house
                   (Oils pov )
I went out to check the mail and saw we had new neighbors so I saw a girl run out of the car and you go back inside. A few hours later I heard someone knocking on the door so I answer it and is was my neighbors and she said
(Y/N):Hi my name is (Y/N)
(Oliver): hi I'm Oliver do you wanna play
                    *(Y/N) POV*
I was playing with Oliver outside till I heard (Y/N) come in its time for dinner
(Y/N):bye 😊

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