Now Or Never

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Hello again!! I hope you liked my 1st chapter! I would like to thank Faith M. the author of the book The Wacky Side Of Me, she is a fabuLOUIS sister, an amaZAYN writer. and she gives awesome ideas when you are stuck. Well enjoy!!!


I pushed my step dad, and ran to my mom. She was still breathing. I sighed with relef, but when i looked closer i saw she was bleeding really bad. I looked back at my step father to find him passed out on the ground. It's the perfect opportunity i thought, i can get my mum and we can get away form him and out of this house. My mum crabbed my arm which popped me back to reality. Then she said "I'm fine Tabby, are you OK?" while trying to sit up. "Stay down i'm going to go pack a couple bags for you and me and get the keys, we can finally leave!" I stood up really quickly, i was dizzy but i just ignored it and keep walking. When i got back to my room i grabbed a bag and random clothes. I was about to leave the room but then i remember my diary, i ran over where I hid it. I put it in my bag and left the room and headed to my mum's room. When i walked in I went to the closet to look for a bag. There wasn't one there, so i went to the bed and looked under it and saw a bag, i pulled it out and there was something in it. I opened it and it had clothes, money, a phone, toothbrushes, and toothpaste.  I smiled, my mum is so brave and if ready for anything, I need to stay focused i thought, he could wake up at any time. I grabbed both our bag and walked out of her room and headed strait to the kitchen to get the car keys. I found the keys and went back to the living room where my mum was laying. She wasn't laying where I left her, I started to panic. Is he already awake? I looked over where he passed out and he was still there, so where is my mum? I started pacing back and forth, and out of no where arms came around me. I almost screamed, but when I saw who's arms they were I didn't, I just hugged back.

Mum's POV

"Where did you go, I thought he took you?" Tabby asked. "It's OK Tabs I just went to the laundry room to get a towel for my head." 

"But I told you to stay, I could have gotten you a towel."

"It's OK Tabs, i'm fine, your fine, that's all that matters, lets just leave."

We walked to the car, Tabby was in front of me carrying both the bags. We finally got to the car and Tabby, the one who has no licence, gets in the drivers seat. "What do you think your doing?"  I asked.

"I'm driving." Tabby said.

"No your not Missy you don't have a licence."

"Well i'm not letting you drive with your head the way it is and i'm 19 going to be 20 soon." 

"Fine you can drive just this once Tabs."

When i finally got to the passengers side of the car, I sat down and buckled up and we started to move. Tabs was driving really well for some one for the first time. It look like she knew exactly what and where she was going. So I decided to ask her, "Where are we going?"

"The hospital." she said

"Why are we going to the hospital?"

"Mum, have you seen your head!"

"My head is fine Tabs."

"No it's not mum, I don't want you to faint or die because you lost to much blood, we are going to the hospital!" she yelled with tears running down her face.

"OK Tabs only if it will make you feel better."

The rest of the car ride was quiet. When we got to the hospital they took me strait to the emergence room. They wouldn't let Tabby come back with me, so she just waited for me in the waiting room.

Tabby's POV

They took mum back to the emergency room, i'm siting in the waiting room by myself. Every noise i hear I think it's my step dad. I am so paranoid! We are no where near my step dad, he will never find us or hurt us again. I thought

~~~~~~30 min later~~~~~~

Mums still not out of the emergency room i am starting to get worried. To keep my mind off of it I look at some magazines. I'm trying to find some with My Chemical Romance on or in it but i can't find anything! So I just picked up a random magazine called m. You could tell it was a teenagers magazine. All i did is look at all the pictures in it. They had a lot of pictures of these 5 guys. When i finished looking through the magazine the doctor came out. I stood quickly up and walked over to him. He said "She is fine, she just had to gets some stitches."

"OK good, When can we leave?" I asked.

"You can leave when she comes out."

"YAY!, thank you doctor!"

"Your welcome."

Right when the doctor and I finished talking, mum came out the door. We went back to the car and I told her I was hungry. "When are you never hungry." she laughed. We went to the first place we saw McDonald's. I got a kids meal and a strawberry banana smoothie. My mum got the same thing to eat but instead of a smoothie she got coffee. We sat down in the restaurant and ate. "We need to make a plan." my mum said.

"OK, do you have any ideas?" I asked.

"Yes, we need to get a different car."

"Why do we need to do that?" I asked.

"Because he knows the car we took and he can track it down."

"OK so how are we getting a different car, it cost a lot of money?"

"We can trade in the car for another car." she said.

"OK, lets go when we are done eating."

She just nodded her head in agreement.

~~~~~20 mins later~~~~~~

When we finished eating we left to find some place to trade our car but we got lost. So we stopped to ask for directions. We asked the first person we saw. It was a guy who looked to be around the same age as my mum, and all i see is the back of him. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black shirt. I poked him on the shoulder and when he turned around, and I saw his face I almost screamed.


AHHH!!! Who did she meet!! lol I hope you liked this chapter. It was fun to write. There will be more soon!!! Plezz comment and tell me what you think or give me some advice and vote!! Thanx

P.S. Sorry about my horrible spelling :)


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