"H-How could you?" She gasped loudly as blood bubbled from the wounds and empty eye socket and poured down her cheek. "You're a m-monster!"

"I'm a King." Karacore hissed back quietly. "I may do as I please."

Yahara bowed her head submissively, knowing that he was right. She was just an ordinary lioness. How could she have thought she had a chance of persuading Karacore that this cub was his daughter?

Cheers soon erupted from the Pride. Karacore raised his tail and lifted his chin proudly, as though he had done a noble deed. Yahara wasn't fooled though, she knew that the other lionesses were equally horrified by the ceremony of an Abanleave. It was what every lioness dreaded: giving birth to an unwanted cub.

"Coden, come forward." Karacore finally said, breaking into the half-hearted cheers.

Yahara felt her heart twist in pity as Coden, a young male lion stepped towards them. Very few males aside from a King were allowed to stay within a Pride. Coden was one. He was a pitiful excuse for a creature; born without a tail and unable to grow a full mane, he was considered the lowest ranking lion in the Pride. His own mother, Yahara's litter-mate, Lullen, had been cast out of the Pride for giving birth to him. These pitiful creatures were known as Half-manes and were given the chore of being their King's slave. They often suffered the anger of the whole Pride and had to do everything the King commanded them to do at all costs. Most Half-manes never survived beyond their first three years.

"Yes, Karacore?" He asked, flicking the stump where his tail should be.

"I want you to take the cub. Take her right to the edge of the territory and leave her there." Karacore addressed the Half-mane loudly. "Rumour has it a hyena is heavily pregnant. So soon to giving birth, she will need all the prey available. I'm sure she will appreciate our little... gift. A hyena in our debt will be greatly helpful."

Coden dipped his head in acceptance. "Yes, your Majesty."

Yahara, still gasping in pain, managed to fix her one eye on Coden and study the young lion as he picked up her daughter.

The young lion carried no pride as he held the wriggling newborn in his jaws. Pity seemed to be swimming in his amber-brown eyes and her cast a quick look at Yahara.

I don't want to do this! The words screamed in Coden's mind as he walked through the crowed of his Pride-mates away through the open grassland.

The cub gave a little moan as though it too agreed with Coden's thoughts.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled around her. "I know what it's like to be unwanted."

At last he reached the spot that Karacore had mentioned. Indeed, the scent of hyena hung in the air, making Coden's lip curl in distaste. He had never liked hyenas much and certainly didn't like the way he felt as though a whole group of them were watching him.

"Hello?" He called, placing the cub on the ground. "Anyone there?"

The rustle of golden coloured grass stirred by wind was the only reply.

Coden narrowed his eyes, sure now that he was being watched, then began to roar the words of the Abanleav song, sung at every Abanleav ceremony.

"Blood of another,

Blood of stranger,

Blood of brother,

Son of outcast

Daughter of unwanted

Oh please take them fast!

Creatures of Earth, Water and Sky

Are welcomed to take

This living lie.

Take this lion

Take it fast

Take it to the great constellation."

The last words of the song came from Coden's mouth in a rush. Would this unwanted cub's spirit really go to the great lion constellation, Great Leo, like all other dead lions? Would she be mad when they met in death?

"Please, whoever you are," He whispered to the hidden animal. "Watch over her, and, if you must kill her, do it swiftly."

And with that, the scrawny lion turned and raced away, leaving the mewling cub alone in the open.


Hi everyone! What did you think of the first part of my new series? Oh and I've decided I'll post a fun fact at the end of each update. 😃

Fun fact: Lions with thicker and darker manes are more likely to attract mates.

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