Larry Stylinson; Read All About It.

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Is it possible that the reason you want to leave this cold lonely world may also be the reason you want to stay? Because right now my reason is none other than my boyfriend Harry Styles. He's the one person that can brighten my day but then seconds later tear it down. He's the one i turn to when i'm sad and feel like the world is falling onto my shoulders and i'm not strong enough to handle it on my own but sometimes he's behind the reason i feel the way i do.

I didn't know what to do for a long while but now i do, He's the only reason i want to stay but i'm going to go, Leave this star crossed world behind and move onto something new, As most people call it moving onto a new adventure. I found my ipod on the bed and instantly placed the earphones in and pressing the shuffle button on the screen when Emeli Sandes Read All About it came on just as i was writing my goodbye letters to everyone, Coincidence? I think not.

You've got the words to change a nation but your biting your tongue,

You've spent a life time stuck in silence afraid you'll say something wrong

If no one ever hears it how we gonna learn your song

So come, on come on Come on, come on,

Pulling out the various pieces of paper and a pen off the side table i placed myself in my bedroom locking the door behind me and sitting at the computer desk letting my hand run freely over the paper leaving behind meaningful words behind to everyone that i love and need to say a final goodbye too. Forever.

Dear Liam,

Thank you for being the person that made sure i didn't get too crazy and keeping me sane, Thank you for being the person i could turn to when everything got too much and when me and Harry argue to no avail you were the person that would allow me into his flat at 3am in the morning and stay up whilst i explained and you'd always tell me what to do and luckily for me it was always the right choice, Thank you for auditioning to X Factor 2 years ago, Thank you for being a big part of this band and lastly thank you for being a bestfriend, Take care of them and yourself for me Li, Especially Harry because i know this'll effect everyone but he'll be worse, I'll miss you.

You've got a heart as loud as lions So why let your voice be tamed

Baby we're a little different there's no need to be ashamed

You've got the light to fight the shadows so stop hiding it away

Come on, Come on

Dear Niall,

Well baby Nando's, When i first met you, You were the shy boy nobody really knew but that's so much different now your a matured young man and i'm glad i had the pleasure of knowing you. You may have been annoying to me at times and me to you but that's what made us bestfriends because we got eachother. Your one crazy leprechaun and that'll be the impression you'll forever leave in my brain even though i won't be around anymore, Promise me something Ni? Don't listen to the haters everyone knows your better than them and that's why they do it because they're jealous they wish they were in your position but don't let them bring you down, You were born to shine so do it! Miss you Nialler.

2 letters down 3 to go is the thought i kept telling myself, Well that was until i heard the front door open and close then that oh so familiar voice calling my name to see if i was home but i didn't answer instead i listened, I listened as Harry talked to someone that i soon figured to be a girl and then silence. I so badly wanted to see what they were doing but a gut instinct told me i didn't want to see what was going on so staying as quiet as i could i placed the earphones back in and began to write to the remaining people.

I wanna sing, I wanna shout I wanna scream till the words dry out

so put it in all of the papers, i'm not afraid they can read all about it read all about it

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