Cas got woken up by Anna slamming on his door and yelling "Cas! You have a visitor".

Cas tiredly rubbed his eyes and carefully sat up in bed "Who?"

"Someone you like"


He could hear Anna sigh and mumble something about him being impossible and that laughter, he could recognize it anywhere. Dean was here, in his apartment. Why? He quickly got out of bed and opened his bedroom door, only to be greeted by those hazel green eyes that he loved.

"Good morning" Dean said and leaned against the wall "How are you feeling?"

Cas could hear Anna giggle from the living room and he rolled his eyes before looking at Dean. "Better"

"That's good." Dean looked around, why did he always do that?

"Hungry?" He asked and Cas eyes snapped back from the living room door to Dean "What?"

Dean laughed "you heard me, do you want to go out and eat?"

"I have food here you know" Cas snapped and walked out to the kitchen, still a little sore.

"Do you want to make food?"

"As the matter of fact, yes, I do" Castiel said, trying to be sassy. Dean chuckled and walked into the kitchen.

"What's on the menu?"

"Toast, eggs and bacon" Cas said and opened the fridge.

"My favorite"

Shortly after Anna came into the kitchen and sat down at one of the empty chairs. Her eyes shifted between Dean and Cas and she had a huge grin on her face. Dean looked questioning at Cas and Cas shrugged, continuing with the breakfast.

"Do you want any?" Cas asked Anna and she nodded, still looking at Dean and Cas.

"Cas, your friend is making me very uncomfortable" Dean whispered to Cas and Cas turned his head to look at Anna.

"Could you not?"

"What?" she asked and supported her head with her hand placed on the table.

"What you're doing. It's disturbing" Cas said and flipped the bacon.

"Fine" She threw her hands up over her head and had them land in her lap.

Dean walked over and sat down at the other empty chair, they only had two chairs, but they had an old stool in the corner by the door. Just in case they ever got a dinner guest, which never happened, so that stool had just been standing there ever since they moved in three years ago. They had talked about throwing it out many times, Cas was glad they didn't.

"So" Anna started "you're Cas' new boyfriend"

Dean shook his head "not boyfriend"

"Oh really? You slept with him. Don't ask me how I know, he came in here and could barely walk and not to mention the love bite as the size of Texas on his neck. I'd say, you're his boyfriend" She leaned back in her chair and raised one eyebrow at Dean.

Cas stroked his neck and rolled his eyes and flipped the bacon one more time.

"Fine, I'm his boyfriend" Dean said and Cas chocked on the air surrounding him.

"I knew it" she squeeled and clapped her hands "You know, Cas has had a huge crush on you for-"

"Anna, stop!" Cas quickly said, stopping Anna from saying anything more.

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