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I sat at the kitchen table "are you sure it was Cole '' Jack looked at me "i don't know '' I mumbled getting up and walking to my room. I laid down and it wasn't long before I fell asleep.

I jolted awake. Cole was standing in the corner of the room. I jumped and turned the lamp on but nothing was there. I sighed, turned it off and went back to bed.

I woke up to the sun shining through the open window. I got up and closed it. I could have sworn it was close when I went to bed.

I got dressed and walked outside. "So what's on the agenda for today?" I looked at Jackson "cleaning mostly" I said and I nodded. We cleaned up the whole yard and the boys started to set up the tent and other things.

I black car pulled up "whos that" Conner looked at us "no way" I smiled and got up as Damon got out. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms.

He laughed "you did happen to miss me" he smiled "it been a year" I said as Jackson walked up. 

normally vampires and werewolves don't get along so i got a little worried "so your damon" he said "I've heard lots about you" he glanced at me. He held out his hand for a hand shake.

Everyone is ok with him for the most part. We all sat around a fire laughing and talking. Damon stopped and stared at the tree line "Damon" and I grabbed his arm.

He looked at me "someone watch us" he said "more then one" he said "Jackson got up "everyone to the house" John said "acted normal" he add "y what's going on" I looked at him "there's an alpha with that pack" he said.

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