Chapter 18

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I couldn't open my eyes, my body was way to tired. The consistent beeping and the uncomfortable bed lead me to believe I was in the hospital. The aching of my back was a reminder to the ass beating I took. I cringed internally thinking about the pathetic attempt of a fight I put up.

I groaned a little as I mustered the strength to open my eyes. The blinding florescents burned my retinas. I blinked to clear my vision and looked around the white room. Not to any surprise, I was the only one in here.

My attention turned to the door as it slid open. "Oh, looks like you are awake." A friendly looking nurse smiled at me as she wrote something on her clipboard. "On a scale from 1-10, how is your pain?" My head was still spinning a pit as I processed what she asked me. "Oh umm...5?" I have never been good at rating my pain.

She hummed and scribbled some more on the clipboard. "Would you like me to cut on the T.V?" I nodded. I needed something to fill the silence. She grabbed the remote and clicked it on. The first thing to pop up was the news. A clip of me being loaded into the paramedics loading me into the ambulance as a reporter talked about what happened the first thing on.

"Oh! I guess you don't want to see that! Let me change it..." She fumbled to switch the channel. "It's fine..." I managed a weak smile. It was probably strange but that felt like a different person on screen, like I wasn't looking at myself. "I will let you  pick, then." She said softly and set the remote beside me. I looked up at her.

"What exactly happened to me?" I wanted to know the extent of my injuries. "You have a stab wound under your last rib on the left side. He hit you in a good spot, so to say, because he didn't damage anything internally. You did lose a lot of blood and you have a lot of bruising." I nodded. "I see..." The nurse then bowed and left the room, leaving me by myself again.
I woke up from a sleep I didn't realize I had fallen into. I was on my side, facing away from the door. I could feel my major wound throbbing. It send waves of aches through out my whole back. I shifted to try and get more comfortable only to feel a sharp pain spider wed it's way across my back. I winced as tears involuntary sprung to my eyes, threatening to spill.

Three soft knocks pulled my attention away from the pain and to the door behind me. "Coming in..." The quiet voice of the nurse drifted into the room as she opened the door. I could read the sound of wheels and assumed she had a cart with her. "(L/n)-san? Are you still asleep? It's time to change your gauze..."

"No I am awake... It just hurts when I move a certain way..." I hated this. I hated being so reliant on another person. "Ah, I see. Let me help you up them." She came to my side and gently sat me up so I was sitting on the edge of the bed. "If you are okay with it, I need to open up the back of your gown to clean your back." I nodded and she began to untie the bows holding it closed. The garment fell off my shoulders and laid on my lap as I sat facing the wall feeling exposed.

I involuntary shivered as the cool air kissed at the bruising and other injuries that littered my skin. "It looks like this is coming together well..." She said as she pressed a cotton ball around the edges of the stab, making sure not to get the stitches.  "How long will I be in here?"

"I would say at least 4 more days. It's a pretty deep puncture and we have to make sure it keeps healing well. I know you are in hero training, but you will have to take it easy for a while after you get out so you don't reopen it." She explained. I couldn't help but feel dread, although, I had a feeling I wouldn't be at U A for much longer.

"Oh! Looks like my cart is out of bandages, let me run and get some more. Please don't move..." The nurse quickly rushed out. It only felt like a few moments before the door slid back open. 'Wow that was fast...' I thought to myself.

"Shit, that looks really bad." A familiar deep voice shocked me. I turned my head over my shoulder to see the ash blond staring at at at my exposed back. "Does it still hurt?" He asked, his gaze seemed to be lingering on the stitches. "Of course it does, what kind of question is that ..." I mumbled, turning my head back and looking at my lap. He cleared his throat. "Anyways, I brought you this. You left it at that cafe." He tossed my duffel bag onto the end of the bed beside me.

"How did you know where it was?..." I was surprised to say the least. "How the hell did you end up getting stabbed by that sack of meat anyways?" He ignored my question and asked his own. "I don't really remember much of it."

He started to say something else before the nurse cut him off. "I am back, (L/n)-san. Oh! Sir you shouldn't be in here right now! Can you please wait out in the hall for a few minutes?" She said to Bakugou and he just grumbled a 'Whatever' before walking out.
"There, all done." The nurse said, helping me get my robe back on. "Thank you." I smiled lightly as she cleaned up the spent materials.

"I will tell your friend he can come back in." The nurse said as she loaded her cart back up and walked towards the door.

Once she left I waited for the door to slide back open. Even though I was still a little mad, part of me was happy to see Bakugou. I blame it on the boredom that comes with a hospital stay. I perked up when the door opened and the grumpy blond walked back in. "Took her long enough." He complained as he plopped into the chair against the wall.

"Why are you still here?" I asked, weary of his presence. "I appreciate you bringing me my stuff and all but you don't have stay here."

"I want some answers." He said. His tone was harsh, but no more than it usually was. In fact, it was almost calm.

"Fine... What do you want to know?" He didn't hesitate as he asked his first question. "If you aren't a spy, why we're you pretending to be a boy?" That felt like so long ago, the day I got the acceptance letter back. "I guess my paper work got mixed up and I was enrolled. Also the boys academy is taken more seriously... So I just rolled with it." He didn't look like he believed me but didn't question it.

"How does Aizawa know?"

"He caught on to me.  I'm also assuming he checked my middle school transcripts for confirmation." I shifted into a more comfortable position. "So... Did you report me yet?" I met his ruby eyes, I was worried for the answer even though it was the inevitable.

"No." He said bluntly. Before I could ask questions, I heard a faint ringing from my bag. It had gotten moved to the floor by the foot of my bed by the nurse while she tended to my back. I moved to go get it before I was stopped.

"Stay still, I will get it for you." Bakugou said as he got up from his seat and grabbed the bag, tossing it to me. His tone sounded like he was annoyed, but his face showed indifference. I was taken aback by his action, none the less. "Thanks..." I said as my cheeks warmed a little.

I dug thought the phone to find the noisy device. The name flashing on the screen surprised me as I pulled it out.

"It's my dad."

A lot of you guys said that me updating really made your days and that makes me so unbelievably happy ❤️ Hopefully if you are having a bad day this makes it better :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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