Chapter Six

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3 days. 3 days left until the sports festival. Everyone seemed to swirl with a mixture if nerves and excitement. It was a chance to show off your quirk and what you are capable of.

That was my problem. Plant manipulation isn't flashy like explosions from your hands or breaking your arm with a punch; not that I would want to do that.

((Smol AN: sorry if you don't like that quirk but I kinda love plants lol))

I was at a loss for a game plan. I didn't even know if my quirk would come in handy for any of the events, let alone if I would even make it past the first few stages.
The final bell rang from inside the school. "Go get changed, you are all dismissed fir the day." Aizawa said as we all started to exit the field where we had been training. As I turned to talk away, I was stopped. "(L/n), after you get changed, I need to have a talk with you. Please stop by the class room." Aizawa said as he walked by me.


A terrible feeling settled in my stomach as I walked back to the locker rooms. 'He must have found out...' I thought to myself as I stalled. I needed to think of what to say. What are you supposed to do when someone finds out you are lying about your gender and basically infiltrated an all boy school?

I opened the door and peaked out. 'At least he isn't waiting in the hallway...' My next problem was the way out was past the classroom. I groaned a thousand groans as I decided my plan of action.

I took a deep breath as I opened the door to the classroom. 'I might as well face it with dignety.' I tried to talk myself up.

As I opened the door, I saw Aizawa sitting at his desk with a folder. I instantly felt defeated. This was it. This was the end.

He motioned for me to have a seat. I reluctantly did so. It felt as if I was being smothered; although I would prefer that to being confronted.

"I don't like wasting time, so I am going to assume you know why I asked you to stay, considering the look on your face." He started out.


I just nodded. I couldn't begin to muster any words. "What I would like to know your reasoning for this." He held up my old transcripts. I just looked down at the desk. "I will also inform you that I have to report it."

"No! please don't! " I looked up and blurted out. "As an administrator I can not let you stay in this school while knowing your conditions. It is inappropriate and against the rules." I was panicking. I didn't know what I could say to change his mind, if there was anything to say.

"Then don't know about it." I said. "Excuse me?" He questioned back. "Can't you just pretend you don't know? I was put here by mistake but I want to be here. The girls school isn't taken seriously like here..." I trailed off, knowing how childish I sound. "Please." I stood up and bowed, hoping he would hear me out.

The room was silent for a few moments before he sighed. "I can't turn a blind eye..." He started out and paused. I held my breath, waiting for him to continue. "...But I think I can work something out." I came stood up straight and smiled. "Really? Thank you!" I bowed again. I was bursting with excitment.

"Yes, now get out of my class." He said in his usual emotionless tone. I smiled as I hurried our of the room.
My shoulder felt light as I plopped onto my bed in my comfy clothes. I sighed as I laid there,  collecting my thoughts.

Even though it was no time to be resting with the festival round the corner, I needed to stop and unwind for a few minutes after the stressful encounter.

"I guess I'm not completely out of the woods yet..." I said to myself as I let out a sigh and placed my arm of my eyes.

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