Trapped: Part one.

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Pandora p.o.v

" Its ten to eight Get up now!!!" I hear my mother shout form the other side of the house.

I am going to regret this day for the rest of my life. Today is my first day at my new school, the worst day ever ! you have to look nice as well as look sexy and pretty and I'm none of those, I have to try and make a good impression otherwise i'm doomed.

" Get up now! " I heard my mother shout for the fifth time.

I slowly drag myself out of my blankete womb and grab a dry green towel and head for the shower. After I lather my hair in shampoo and conditioner and rinse it out I get out of the shower and stare at my self in the munted mirror gosh who would ever love me, I'm ugly and fat and terrible at fitness. I finish my long look in the mirror wondering what my life is and I walk to my bed room, put my best but neat clothes on and grab my make up bag and start to play with the lip gloss wondering what one to wear, so I put on my basic look then pile on my nude lip gloss and shove my new books in my boring black bag.

I run down the creaky stairs and open the fridge freezer and grab my energy drink from a couple of nights ago and rush out of the door to catch the bus.


I walk of the awkward smelly bus, my mouth turns into an o, my eyes widen with surprise and anger. The footpath was cracked and smashed, the school building was grey, boring and broken? how could my day get any worse..... I walk through the old dusty doors into a really bundy hallway, it had just enough room to fit a short elephant and the hallway as long as the great Wall of China. It's feels like a never ending road to hell. I keep walking through the empty corridor until find my math class, 69F. I find it after about 10 muintes, I walk through the door to find 25 pairs of confusing eyes starting at me.

" you must be .... Pandora? "

I turn around to see a familiar face ....The one that I haven't seen in 6 years ... The faint memory ... it was ... Draco Malfoy.

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