Fight, Fright, and Night at the Museum

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The ship that belong to the evil commander is behind the Museum of Natural History.

"Navigation, is this Earth were the War continue on", said the evil commander.

"Identify as Earth but transwarp change course into another dimension", said the navigation

"Well does this alternate Earth have energon", said the evil commander.

"Negative but natural resources can be made into synthetic energon but planet also have some resources that might be dangerous for robotic forms, might result in permanent damage", said the navigation.

"Rah, then we'll created alternate forms based on the most powerful local creatures", said the evil commander.n

"Scanners activated hahaha", said the creepy one.

The ship deploy some kind of drone which flash purple lights everywhere as it scanning.

It the Museum, it have scan the skeleton of Tyrannosaurus Rex, a Pteranodon, and a Velociraptor while outside creature are a spider crawling, a scorpion hunting, and a wasp flying around.

Meanwhile in front of the museum, is Cinos and his friends are preparing to go.

"My old enemy", said Cinos as he look at the Museum, "Knowledge".

Cinos and co. enter the meseum and saw lots of stuff.

Natsu and Romeo lit up small fire from their to light their way.

"Boring, a bunch of old junk!", yawned Natsu as it seem boring.

"Museum are not boring, they are fun", said Pidge.

"That right, we learn because of places like this", said Max.

"I'll stand guard at the entrance, nobody will go in and our", said Arnold then he remain at the entrance

"Alright Arnold, if you...", said Cinos as he turn around then saw a skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus then he drool, he slowly went near it and about to lick the leg.

"Cinos, what did we told you about touching fossils in the museum", said Max.

"What.... this isn't Mr. Owen's museum...", said worried Cinos.

"No... touch... the... bones", said Zoe then she grab Cinos' ear.

"Ow ow, but they're delicious", said Cinos in pain as Zoe grab him by the ear.

They continue then there were many halls.

"I always like to say this", said Cinos then clear his throat, "Let's split up and look for clues".

"Isn't this a bad idea, we're in a museum, at night, where robot aliens are hiding anywhere", said Jaune as he worried.

"You know what, Keith you go with Sir Cries-alot", said Cinos.

"Alright, come on Jaune", said Keith as he drag Jaune,"Come on Cosmo".

Cosmo respond as he teleport near Keith and Jaune as he walk with them.

"Seem like it time for Team GreenRose", said Ruby as she and Pidge high five and head to another hall, Zwei and Rover follow.

"See you guys on the other", said Cinos, "Natsu, Lucy, Happy, you're with me".

"Yes, we're doom by Cinos", said Lucy as she worried.

"Can I go with Romeo and Wendy", said Asuka.

"YES YES GO WITH THEM", said Cinos then he grab Asuka with his mouth and quickly but gently give her to Romeo, "NOW YOU'RE PROBLEM BUDDY".

Cinos then dash away and taking Natsu, Lucy, and Happy with them.

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