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Cinos and went have meet back at the meeting point which where the T.rex is.

"Have anyone of you guys seen anyone come", said Cinos.

"Yes we did but they slip", said Pidge.

"We lost them", said Ruby.

"These guys are strong and quick", said Max.

"And they're almost human size", said Ash.

"So they're couldn't be Decepticons, Mini-cons are human size but this guy is not the shape of a Torpedo or a Cyclone", said Cinos.

"Who ever they are, I'll find them and destroy them!!!", roared Natsu as fire come out of his mouth.

"Cinos, this is Grimlock", said Grimlock in a walkie-talkie.

"Hey Grim, so what the hell was that thing in Seaside Hills", said Cinos.

"It look like a ship, almost very Cybertronian but different and this is only half of it", said Grimlock in the walkie-talkie.

"So there are nothing in there", said Cinos.

"Well there is no one but the ship have a signia but it not an Autobots or Decepticon, it looks like a Saber tooth cat", said Grimlock in a walkie-talkie.

"The Maximals?", shouted the voices which everyone heard, it was the one Cinos, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy met.

"I'll call you back Grim", said Cinos then he put his walkie-talkie in his pouch, sniff the air, and follow the sound of that familiar voice.

Cinos follow the trail toward a storage, bash threw the door and look everywhere.

"So this where they're hiding", said Natsu then Cinos nodded.

They're lots of stuff in the storage, a perfect place to hide.

"I can still smell them but it like they're close", said Cinos.

Everyone follow Cinos.

"Oh come, this place isn't scary where are those...", said Natsu then he trip.

Natsu roll toward what it seem to be dinosaurs and giant arthropods.

Cinos sniff, "Strange, these guys smell like the guys we're after but... perhaps they're tricking my nose".

There a purple and green T.rex, a red Pteranodon, a brown and peach color Velociraptor, a purple and green spider, a grey scorpion, and a yellow, green, and black wasp where seem to look like animatronics.

"I don't feel comfortable around these thing", said Happy then most of animals growled the 6 realistic creature.

Asuka pull out her toy gun as shoot a pebble to the Velociraptor.

"Come on Asuka, let go", said Lucy as she pick Asuka up.

Romeo then look at the Velociraptor, he slowly went near and slow lift his to touch the snout but his hand was stop my the arms of the Velociraptor.

Everyone saw what happened.

The raptor look at Romeo in the eyes, "Keep your filthy hands away from me you slaggin dirty human".

"That voice, it's you!", shouted Romeo as he remembers that voice from the jungle area, the raptor let him go.

"My my, seem like you ruin the surprise, yes", said the T.rex.

"What now my lord", said the giant scorpion.

"Fleshy botzzz now know everything", buzzed the giant wasp.

Cinos Aftermath: Dawn of the Beast EraWhere stories live. Discover now