Part 2

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They waited for them they did not go anywhere he expected them to run once they got to the surface but they didn't.He was surprised by this he waited they waited he walked they followed.So with this in mind he told that they could go run free but they didn't they just stared at him.They seem to know what he was saying but they just stayed.So he told him his planes they listened yet they stayed so the man started to walk and so they followed.Meanwhile during this time the princess was living in contemptment thinking that the man was dead she left and went back to the castle saying that prince died saving her.

She spun her lies the king believed her the more she lied the more the king wound around her little finger doing anything she asked out of grief of the loss of his son.The king loved his son very much, as his only son is saddened him more.As the princess continued to play with the kings head the prince was coming to the castle.The prince with his lion companions walked through the forest through the rivers stopping only to rest and refuel.They wake on and on.

On the last mile to the castle one of the lion offered the man his back to ride the man got on gradually ashis feet begin to blister. So for the last mile they rode on until he reached the castle the guards were so shocked that they let him through without a second thought for the prince was loved by all subjects.He rode on a lion past the guard the maids and then he reached the throne room.He got of the lion and prepared to open the doors before he did he looked back the lions seemed to nod at him to open the throne room.He opened the doors with a mighty push and walked in with all seven lions behind him.When they were in the throne room the king was sitting on his throne next to him the princess sat the prince looked at her with a anger.The room was silent until the king finally said "my son I thought that you were dead" "I was thrown in a pit of lions by her"The prince pointed at the princess>

"I would never do such a thing you can't believe him your majesty.Only then that the lion's roared the roar so loud the entire country heard it.Then they did something that surprised everyone they turned into humans.With everyone still stunned they talked as if one."God has permitted us this short time to talk to you and so we shall.The lions/humans told the king all that happened they explained everything to him every last detail from when they met him from when they came to the throne room.Once they were done with there story they reverted back to lions.

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