On The Low

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"I wanna travel round' the world just to fuck you." 👀💦👅

"Have fun on your trip mija!" My roommate Camila said as I walked out our apartment with my luggage in hand.

Going away on a little vacation for a week just to get away from everything. I'm excited to go out of town since I haven't really been anywhere except work and home. I walk to an tinted black suv where the driver took my bags and opened the door for me. Closing the door behind me I get tackled with kisses all over my neck. I forgot to say I'm going on vacation with my very rich boyfriend that no one knows about except me.

"Hey ma." He smirked against my brown skin and I giggled. His arms wrapped themselves around me making me stuck in his trap of love.

"Hey baby." I grabbed his face and gave him a big smooch.

I've been seeing my boyfriend for about a year in a half and things are getting pretty serious, just the other day I told him I loved him. I've only told my friends and family I loved them I've never gotten this serious in a relationship cause when I think it's all smooth sailing it sinks like the titanic.

He's my everything. I could actually see myself settling down and starting a family now. The way life feels when I'm around him or even being on the phone and texting him makes my day a little easier. And just because he's rich doesn't mean I'm using him for his money. To be honest he didn't even tell me what he did until our third date. It didn't change much, just means my mans ain't no scrub.

"You ready for our trip?" He asked and I nodded.

He planned a week ago that he wanted to take me out and show me what God painted the world to be. So we decided on Aruba. I'm soooo excited cause when I told people about it they say it's a wonderful place and even on reviews.

We decided on keeping things on the low because it doesn't have to be nobodies business but ours. He trusts me and I damn sure trust him so as long as we know what we got I'm good.

We made it to airport swiftly and safely and started to unload the trunk. My boyfriend and his driver helped with most of my bags making sure not a nail broke off my finger. I walked ahead to check our bags in with my documents in my hand. We got here two hours before we have to board the plane since we both knew that it's always chaotic in airports. All we needed next was to go through security and we'll be good to relax a bit.

While putting our stuff through the tray, he had to make two separate trays due all the jewelry and things he had on him. I saw from the corner of my eyes a woman looking lustfully over at him as he empty his pockets filled with money in them. I rolled my eyes due to the fact he couldn't bring a wallet instead. We could've token his private jet that he owns but I hardly insisted on how extra that is. This is a getaway and I want to feel like a normal tourist as possible.

It's like teaching a son that money and materialistic things aren't everything. Even though he's used to that lifestyle I don't think I'll ever be fully ready to become a house wife.

"Why didn't you bring something to hold you money in like I don't know a credit card?" I whispered harshly into his ears. We were starting to get stares and I don't like all the attention dwelling on me.

"My bad babe it's a habit."

"Well we're not going to a strip club so put that all away." I pointed referring to the money.

"I don't need to go to a strip club when my personal stripper right here." He smirked gripping my ass.

I smacked his hand away filling my cheeks turn red at the sight. Loved turning a serious situation into a sexual one. We got through security and now it was time for my hungry ass to eat. We decided on McDonald's since it was the only familiar food spot in here. About time we were done and enjoyed a little movie on his laptop it was time to abroad the plane.

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