chapter six

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kaminari pushed the double doors open to the rink as his stomach turned with a swarm of butterflies. he swallowed as several kids his age stood around the rink, talking amongst each other.

"hey, dunce face!" a familiar voice called out from around a corner. he turned, and that same wide-toothed sneer blinded him.

"bakugo!?" he exclaimed, walking up to him at the counter. "what are you doing here?"

bakugo huffed. "kirishima is friends with sero. he thought he'd bring me along." he paused. "also, this is kirishima."

"hi!" the redhead almost yelled, enveloping kaminari in a tight hug. bakugo laughed as kaminari's soul was squeezed out of him. "sero told me that you and your sister would be coming, so i made bakugo come to distract her!"

bakugo kneeled down to adohira's level and stuck out his arms for her to jump in to. he hoisted her up and held her on his hip. "go talk to him, idiot."

kaminari frowned in confusion. "who?"

"him!" kaminari's eyes followed where kirishima pointed, and it was straight at sero. he was wearing a red knit sweater and tight black jeans, and his hair was pulled up into a little ponytail. he was absolutely radiant, and kaminari's heart fluttered when he laughed at something his friend had said.

"haaanntaaa!" kirishima yelled, his hands cupped around his mouth. sero turned around and his eyes went wide as he realized who was here.

"kaminari!" he said as he skated towards them effortlessly. "i'm so glad you could come!"

kaminari was sweating buckets already. "y-yeah, me too!" he managed, a light blush across his cheeks. "i'm sorry i had to bring my sister along."

sero shook his head with a kind smile. "not a problem at all! what's her name?"

"oh," kaminari turned to where she sat in bakugo's arms and gestured towards sero. "ado, this is sero. sero, this is adohira!"

sero grinned with crinkled eyes. "it's very nice to meet you, adohira!"

she stared at him with wide doe eyes and kaminari grew nervous. usually, when people introduced themselves to her, she would burst into tears and only their mother could stop her.

for some reason, instead of making a complete and utter scene, she held her arms out to him. sero laughed and took her from bakugo, cradling her and letting her hold onto his fingers. heat rose to kaminari's face as he watched sero bond with adohira. it was too cute for him to handle.

sero handed her back to bakugo, who was of course furious that sero had stolen her from him moments ago.

"wow," kaminari said, smiling. "she never likes new people. she doesn't seem to have a problem with you at all."

sero grinned. "guess it's a sign," bakugo sneered, knowing exactly what he was doing. sero and kaminari flushed red, avoiding eye contact with each other. kirishima punched his boyfriend in the arm.

"well," sero said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "how about we get out there?"

kaminari smiled. "sure!"

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